Does the Bible talk about church government?

The Bible provides many clear guidelines regarding the manner in which local churches are to be led. While Jesus Christ is the top authority of the church (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18), there is also a role for the people who lead local congregations.

In the beginning of the New Testament period, the apostles served as leaders of the first church in Jerusalem (Acts 2:42-47). 隨著基督徒人數的迅速增長, the need arose for additional leadership (Acts 6:1-7). 很快, persecution and missionary activity caused the spread of local churches beyond Jerusalem, leading to the need for even more leaders. Two leadership roles are clearly defined in the New Testament: 別處 (also known as pastors or bishops) 和執事.

The specific types of church government in existence today, 主教制, 長老教會, 和公會的, place different emphases on the roles of elder and deacon and their relationship to the congregation.

The two main passages that discuss the character qualities and responsibilities of these leadership roles are 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Regarding the role of elders, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 說擔任長老的願望是崇高的志向. 關鍵的性格特質包括正直, 婚姻忠誠, 清晰思考, 自我控制, 尊重, 款待, 和教學能力. 取消資格包括濫用酒精, 暴力的本性, an argumentative disposition, 和貪婪. The elder must also lead his family well and not be a recent convert. 更遠, this passage is directed to men, indicating that elders were always male in the early church. There is also an emphasis on a plurality of elders (每個地點有多位教會領袖), 反映舊約猶太文化中擔任地方領袖的長老 (Acts 14:23; 15:2; 20:17; Titus 1:5; James 5:14).

對於執事, 期望有類似的完整性, yet the role of teaching is not included. 執事的重點似乎是為教會提供非教學服務 (similar what is seen in Acts 6:1-7). Some argue that deacons can be male or female, 解釋翻譯的希臘文 “女性” or “wives” 在 1 Timothy 3:11 指的是女執事. 其他人則認為這節經文的上下文清楚地表明了所討論的男性執事的妻子. This latter view is more likely accurate, though many Christian denominations include both male and female deacons due to differing interpretations of this passage and Romans 16:1.

The goal of church leaders is made clear in Scripture. Ephesians 4:12 說是 “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.提摩太前書 6:20 and Jude 1:3 say an elder is to guard the purity of the doctrine passed down from the apostles. 長老們被呼召透過幫助人們實踐他們的信仰來服事當地教會. 不只是一位老師, 長老訓練他的會眾事奉上帝並滿足他人的需要. 執事尤其在服務上扮演榜樣和領導者, 讓長老們能夠更專注於教導,這樣教會就可以為實踐主耶穌基督的教導做好最好的準備.