

On October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring the foremost teachers on prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local prayer meeting or church assembly. Speakers will interact live with viewers and answer questions submitted via social media. The goal is to reach millions across the globe with the knowledge and understanding of prayer and its application.

The vision for PrayerCast 2013 is to have small groups gathered around the county joining together in One Voice of praise. This is based on Romans 15:6 that says, “then all of you can join together with one voice, lof en eer aan God geven.” We moedigen u aan om onder gebed te overwegen een bijeenkomst te organiseren in uw kerk of zelfs uw huis of bedrijf. Simply provide your Host information and we will email you further instructions and materials for your group. PrayerCast 2013 will be broadcast online via a special webstream so we will help you get set-up and there is no cost to host. Register your group now.