Eric and Noemi Ross, Founders of Pray New and the New York State Coordinators for the National Day of Prayer Task-force. 我們的願望是建立關係並提供資源和策略來支持區域, County, District, City, and Event Coordinators carry out their ministerial calling. 全國祈禱日是第一個星期四 […]
分類: 一般信息
Seeking Wise Counsel
“Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise” (Proverbs 15:31). Have you ever felt the need to seek wise counsel? Many times we may find ourselves in need of a person to share our thoughts with and receive direction based on God’s word. Each of us need someone we can turn to […]
“因我們並不是與屬血氣, 但對公, 對權力, 對這個世界的黑暗的統治者, 針對高靈氣的惡魔爭戰。“以弗所書 6:12 一個錯誤,聖徒中撒旦母豬的驕傲. 驕傲的是,轉向撒旦的罪, 一個幸福的天使, 成惡魔詛咒. Satan […]