Dodajte svojo molitev za družino, ne glede na to, ali ste sami ali za tkivo družine, poroka.

Dodate lahko svojo zahtevo molitev za našo molitev steno s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca. Ko je vaša zahteva molitev prejetih, ga bomo delili po vaših navodilih. Vas prosimo, da predložijo čim več prošenj molitev, kot vam je všeč!


Zahteva za molitev je namenjena moji družini, zlasti možu, ki je oproščen alkohola, leni duh in stagnacija. Prekinite generacijske kletvice v Jezusovem imenu. Vsak moški naj se preseli tja, kjer mu je mesto, kot duhovnik tam. Zagotovite si duhovno čustveno finančno zaščito. Molitev za poroke po vsem svetu.

Prejeto: marec 19, 2019

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Edmund Krzeminski

Prosim, molite za mojo družino:

1. Podžigajo srca moji družini za ministrstvo, za mene, moja žena Dorothy, najina hči Ann, in naši sinovi Peter in Daniel - \"..ampak za mene in mojo hišo, we will serve the Lord\" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray God\'s will and wisdom for me and my family; Prosim Boga za veliko modrosti v šoli za Daniel, in za delovne razmere Edmund je, za Dorothy in Petra (also God\'s direction for his life) in Ann (Ann potrebuje moža),

Prejeto: junij 24, 2017


Dear friends,brothers and sisters. Really need help your. I'm 26 years old,I grew up without parents,now married,we have a small child 4.5 let. Live in poverty,housing rent. Recently the doctors discovered I have varicose veins difficult degree on both legs,from the groin and to the lower extremities of the legs( both legs) Said if we do not do the surgery,there will be bad consequences,it will begin to rot the skin and instant death I'm scared to tell. Need surgery,said that after the surgery everything will be fine. The operation to 10 000. I ask all not indifferent to help. I have a wife and son,I am very afraid for them son is very sick,1.5 years ago had surgery. It's not a divorce, I could lose my job. Everyone knows what is happening in Ukraine,the prices are terrible,the war is going. I'm afraid of.

Prejeto: september 20, 2016


I am so sorry to be asking again, please help me with your prayers, I am end of my rope and cannot take this pressure in my life when I am almost 66 years old, please help me.

Please pray for my son start working with Lord guidance and wisdom and do well in his career path, help him to stop playing video games and concentrate on his career, finding the right girl in his life, please help

Please pray for my business do well, it's so much down, I don't know what to do anymore, end of my rope with worry, stress, odpoved, please help, I am begging you.

Please pray for my other son to finish from lawsuit and both parties come to mutual agreement and understanding, it's taking toll on both families, help them settle.

I am crying for your prayers, please help me. Hvala vam

Prejeto: september 8, 2016

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Prosim za molitev za moža, da bi opustil ločitev. Prosim, molite, da Bog omehča njegovo srce in obnovi njegovo ljubezen, spoštovanje in občudovanje zame. Prosim, molite, da nam Bog da ponižnost, potrpežljivost, razumevanje in pogum, ki sta potrebna za reševanje naših težav. Prosim za molitev za rešitev najinega zakona.

Prejeto: avgust 4, 2016

Edmund Krzeminski


Please pray for:

0. Poljska, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,

1. stirring up the service to the God for me, moja žena Dorothy, najina hči Ann,

our sons Peter and Daniel -

"..ampak za mene in mojo hišo, we will

serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,studying for Peter, working for Edmund, Dorothy and Ann( Ann need husband),

3. Božji red v moje delo. Blagoslov in poznavanje Jezusa Kristusa za moje šefi.

Great stress and continuous attacks from bosses. I work in insurance corporation as programmer.

Hvala vam.

Edmund Krzeminski

Prejeto: januar 30, 2015

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Debbie J Lueck

restoration for my family and marriage Lift Tyson and Debbie marriage up and rebuke divorce. Strong prayers for my children during all of this.. Tyson and his family are trying to turn my children against me. Please strong prayer to turn this situation around and give us all strength and peace

Please share I need all the prayers

Prejeto: december 6, 2014


That Lenard provide support for his child now that he works two jobs.

Prejeto: oktober 18, 2014

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