A mensagem principal aqui é que Deus não está longe de se separar de nós como se fôssemos intocáveis, é assim que o mundo funciona. Deus está reconhecendo seu Filho Jesus Cristo como nosso sumo sacerdote, the one that can offer sacrifice for our sin, but even more than this, we are invited behind the veil, where he is. In Hebrews 6:1-6 he reminds us of the elementary message, and it is this message that we heard that brought us into the kingdom. Wetasted the heavenly gift” e “tasted the good word of Godand experiencedthe powers of the coming age”. Then we have a bit of a parable, when the rain falls, the ground produces fruit, and we should produce fruit for God’s kingdom in our lives.

Let Us Approach With Confidence To The Throne

Hebreus 4:14–16
Many think of God as being far away, out of reach, disconnected from our lives and circumstance. And it says in Hebrews 4:14 “we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God” mas, as it says in

Hebreus 4:15 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) For we do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but who has been tempted in all things in the same way, without sin.

Deus, and His Son Jesus are not holding us off, they are not far away and separate. They are inviting us and in Hebrews 4:16 it sayslet us approach with confidence to the throne of grace”.

You Are A Priest Forever

Hebreus 5:1–10
It says in

Hebreus 5:1 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) For every high priest taken from among men is appointed on behalf of people in the things relating to God, in order that he can offer both gifts and sacrifices on behalf of sins,

So it is the high priest that is able to bring the sacrifice for sin. But the high priest among men, Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar 5:3 “is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins for himself also, as well as for the people”.

Mas, as it says in Hebrews 5:4 “someone does not take for himself the honor, but is called by Godand Jesus is called in Hebrews 5:5-10 “You are priest forever according to the order of Melchizedekand in vs. 9 “the source of eternal salvation to all that obey him”.

We Have Much to Say

Hebreus 5:11-14
The message changes here, and some say thatSince Hebrews is not structured like a typical letter, it may have originally been a sermon that circulated among churches in the Roman Empire”.1

If this was originally a sermon, it makes sense that the presenter might have sensed the disconnect after the introduction of Jesus as our high priest and changed direction because of it. Whatever the reason, the writer felt the need to back up and make sure everyone was on track with the basics. Here in Hebrews 5:11 he sayswe have much to sayas if there is more to the high priestly message or there is another important principle to be shared, but theyhave become sluggish in hearing”.

honrar nosso casamento porque Deus ainda quer uma semente piedosa e um testemunho para o mundo 5:12 we hear the lament of a teacher for their students sayingyou ought to be teachers by this time”. I think every teacher has moments when they feel this way about their students. Even Jesus had his moments:

Matthew 17:17 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) And Jesus answered and* said, “O unbelieving and perverse generation! How long will I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring him here to me!"

João 14:9 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) Jesus lhe disse:, “Am I with you so long a time and you have not known me, Philip? The one who has seen me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?

There is though, here in Hebrews 5:13-14, an important statement for those of us whoare acquainted with the message of righteousnessand that isthe mature” “have trained their faculties for the distinguishing of both good and evil”. What this means is, we are born with natural senses and we naturally react to them for self preservation but as we understand good and evil, we can accept the input from our senses and choose how we react. Por exemplo,

Efésios 4:26-27 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger, 27 nor give place to the devil.

Saboreie a boa palavra de Deus

Hebreus 6:1-6
The elementary message of Christ is laid out for us to see in Hebrews 6:1-2 as repentance, fé, baptisms (yes, that is plural, water and Holy Spirit), laying on of hands, resurrection, and judgement. This is the message we heard that brought us into the kingdom and, as it says in Hebrews 6:4 “have tasted the heavenly giftand in Hebrews 6:5 “have tasted the good word of God”. And did you get this last bit in vs. 5 “and the powers of the coming age”. If we, or anyone, has known all of this and fallen away, Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar 6:6 he says, “they have crucified again for themselves the Son of God and held him up to contempt”.

Salmo 34:8 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) Taste and see that Yahweh is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

Inherit the Promises Through Faith and Patience

Hebreus 6:7-12
Few of us grow our own food, so we might not quite get this reference. He is saying in Hebrews 6:7 that when the rain falls, plants grow and we get the fruit, “a blessing from God”. honrar nosso casamento porque Deus ainda quer uma semente piedosa e um testemunho para o mundo 6:8 he compares what we expect to have happen, an abundance of fruit, with ground that is covered with weeds, thorns, thistles. It produces, but nothing that we can usenear to a curseexcept maybe as fuel for a fire. honrar nosso casamento porque Deus ainda quer uma semente piedosa e um testemunho para o mundo 7:9-12 he explains that we are the ground, that we, when watered by the Holy Spirit, ought to produce the fruit of thanksgiving to God. As it says in Hebrews 6:12 “those who inherit the promises through faith and patience”. (See 2 Pedro 1:2-7)

Guaranteed With An Oath

Hebreus 6:13–20
God made a promise to Abraham in Hebrews 6:13-14 “when God made a promise to Abrahamhe (Deus) swore by himself,

Hebreus 6:14 dizendo “Surely I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply you.”

and do you see what vs 17 e 18 are saying? God spoke a promise and He never breaks His word. But for us, to show us how important this was, He also swore an oaththat through two unchangeable things … nós … mayhold fast to the hope set before us”. We have, Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar 6:19-20 “an anchor of the souland entering into the inside of the curtain, where Jesusenteredhigh priest forever”.

We often are perplexed by a problem, worrying about the outcome. But we have a promise from God through Jesus Christ. Have faith in God, meditate on God’s promises and :

Hebreus 4:16 (Não perca seu tempo com coisas que não podem e não vão te ajudar) Therefore let us approach with confidence to the throne of grace, in order that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

A descrição da visão de João começa em Apocalipse

  • Hebreus 4:14–16
  • Hebreus 6:1-6
  • Hebreus 6:7-12

A descrição da visão de João começa em Apocalipse

  • Hebreus 4:14-16
  • Hebreus 5:1-14
  • Hebreus 6:1-20


  • 1. Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Castanho, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., … Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

A descrição da visão de João começa em Apocalipse Saboreie a boa palavra de Deus A descrição da visão de João começa em Apocalipse Diga One.