Add your prayer requests to the PRAY New York site and see that others are praying for you.

Jūs varat pievienot savu lūgšanu pieprasījumu uz mūsu lūgšanu sienas, izmantojot zemāk esošo formu. Tiklīdz jūsu lūgšana pieprasījums ir saņemts, mēs dalīties to saskaņā ar jūsu norādījumiem. Jūtieties brīvi iesniegt tik daudz lūgšanu pieprasījumiem, kā jums patīk!


Prayer request is for my family specially my husband deliverance from alcohol, lazy spirit and stagnation. Break generational curses in the name of Jesus. Every male to move to there rightful place as Priest of there homes. Provide protect spiritually emotionally financially. Prayer for marriages all over the world.

Saņemts: marts 19, 2019

Angela Hughes

Please pray urgently for my son Russell to be a good father to his son Drevonte and the ungodly fornicated relationship he is in ends. Pray for my step son Sydney living in rebellion against Gods word and being disrespectful to his father and myself. Please Pray for my daughter Ceaira who recently moved back home after breaking up with her boyfriend that the Lord would grant her the right job that she would heal from the mental verbal and physical abuse she was in and draw closer to God. Pray for My inlaws who are prideful and unforgiving with a Jezabel /Ahab spirit that is tearing their family apart. Pray for my brother Mike who is addicted to drugs and has probation violation, committing adultery and uses our mother. Please pray for my mother Edna suffering from mental illness she has been in and out of the mental hospital 3rd time this year. Please pray for my sister Tracey who is living in adultery with her daughter Keva's ex boy friend she and the ex boy friend are on drugs and her marriage is in trouble both her and her husband have been unfaithful in their marriage pray for restoration of her marriage and family. Please pray for my nieces and nephew and children who are using drug addicted or alcoholics. Please pray for my entire family to receive salvation in Jesus Christ to humble themselves before the Lord and repent and forgive each other. Pray that the attack on my family ends and the generational curses would be removed. Pray that my brother in law Doug would have courage and wisdom to be the leader and protector in his marriage. Please pray the enemy would be defeated and salvation,righteousness and holiness would be restored to our family. Also pray for me and my husband we are weary of it all pray all that what has been stolen from us would be restored tenfold We ask it all in Jesus Name Amen

Saņemts: marts 4, 2019

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Edmunds Krzeminskis

[Mēs lasām] Karaļa Džeimsa Bībelē, Ezekiel 22:30: "Un es meklēju cilvēku starp viņiem, kam vajadzētu veidot dzīvžogu, un stāvēt plaisu pirms manis par zemi, ka man nevajadzētu iznīcināt: bet es neatrada."

O Dievs, lūdzu, palīdziet mums un iemāciet mums uzcelt sienu [lūgšanas] ap ASV, Canada, Poland and Great Britain. Vai esat gatavs iestāties plaisā, kur Dievs ir Palīgs un Skolotājs?

Please pray that Great Britain, Polija, ASV/Kanāda pārvarētu: (Apustuļu darbi 26.18).

* Polija, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

* the Church in the USA & Canada & Great Britain – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Kuram vēdeklis rokā, un viņš kārtīgi iztīrīs savu grīdu, un savāc viņa kviešus krātiņā; bet viņš sadedzinās pelavas ar neizdzēšamu uguni."

* mana ģimene:

1. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, mana sieva Dorotija, mūsu meita Ann, un mūsu dēli Pēteris un Daniēls - " kas attiecas uz mani un manu māju, mēs kalposim Tam Kungam" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection over the company where she works),

3. Dieva kārtība manā darbā. Es lūdzu Dievam lielu gudrību manā darbā. Svētības un Jēzus Kristus zināšanas maniem priekšniekiem. Paldies Dievam par mana darba turpināšanu.

Edmund & Dorothy Krzeminski

Saņemts: septembris 10, 2018

Edmunds Krzeminskis

[Mēs lasām] Karaļa Džeimsa Bībelē, Ezekiel 22:30: "Un es meklēju cilvēku starp viņiem, kam vajadzētu veidot dzīvžogu, un stāvēt plaisu pirms manis par zemi, ka man nevajadzētu iznīcināt: bet es neatrada."

O Dievs, lūdzu, palīdziet mums un iemāciet mums uzcelt sienu [lūgšanas] ap ASV, Canada, Poland and Great Britain. Vai esat gatavs iestāties plaisā, kur Dievs ir Palīgs un Skolotājs?

Please pray that Great Britain, Polija, ASV/Kanāda pārvarētu: (Apustuļu darbi 26.18).

* Polija, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

* the Church in the USA & Canada & Great Britain – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Kuram vēdeklis rokā, un viņš kārtīgi iztīrīs savu grīdu, un savāc viņa kviešus krātiņā; bet viņš sadedzinās pelavas ar neizdzēšamu uguni."

* mana ģimene:

1. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, mana sieva Dorotija, mūsu meita Ann, un mūsu dēli Pēteris un Daniēls - " kas attiecas uz mani un manu māju, mēs kalposim Tam Kungam" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection over the company where she works),

3. Dieva kārtība manā darbā. Es lūdzu Dievam lielu gudrību manā darbā. Svētības un Jēzus Kristus zināšanas maniem priekšniekiem. Paldies Dievam par mana darba turpināšanu.

Edmund & Dorothy Krzeminski

Saņemts: septembris 2, 2018

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I have several prayer needs and I am asking prayer warriors to pray with me diligently:

Pray for the church that I pastor, and that the Lord will revive it. Lord lead me to lead the church; and prayers for the Lord to restore the joy, excitement and ministry groups of the church.

Pray that God will send His workers to the church. Send those that are mission minded and desire to reach the lost.

Pray for the youth I minister to as well as they prepare to lead Sunday Youth service once a month. Pray for their wisdom and commitment. Pray the Lord will work in the hearts of those He desires to be there, and that kids will be saved!

Pray for me as I try to step back (as much as possible) from the above project and not interfere with where the Spirit leads them.

Pray for me as a pastor and former/present youth pastor. One youth has been with me for over 10 years and has basically become like my ‘adopted’ child. But the Lord led them to another church…and my role in their life, personally as well as a pastor, has diminished considerably. This is extremely difficult for me. And even though this person still comes to our youth, I am still struggling with the heartbreak of this feeling of loss and that I have lost my place in their life. I miss seeing them, un (selfishly) I miss them wanting to be with our family. But the Lord is working in them, and I am overjoyed with this. So please pray for this struggle that is within me.

Pray for my wife and my family, and that we will draw closer to each other, and to the Lord as a family.

In Christ,


Saņemts: augusts 31, 2018

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My good friend has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Please pray for his complete healing according to Psalm 103:2-4 (ASV) Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; 3 Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; 4 Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;… in Jesus name.

Saņemts: maijs 17, 2018

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Beth White

Pray for God's understanding, guidance and wisdom as to what my neighbors and I can do in our 55+ manufactured home community, when the manager and owner are not responding to nor repairing our health, safety and security issues. Thank you.

Saņemts: marts 14, 2018

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Angela Hughes

First let us give the Lord thanks for the abundance of all things.Please pray that the Lord would deliver his people from evil men; That the Lord would preserve his people from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continually. Pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism hatred and violence. Please pray and intercede without ceasing that God's will be done in the lives of the world's leaders and for our leaders to seek God and listen to Him. Pray that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and, that our leadership would personally know God and the salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ alone. That we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. God can turn the hearts of kings. Earnestly pray that the people of America and its leaders will humble themselves and seek the Lords face and turn from their wicked ways. Pray that the Lord would hear from heaven and forgive our countries sins and heal our land. God Bless America Pray that the Lord would grant peace in America, that we may lie down and no one will make us afraid. That the Lord would remove wild beasts from the land, and that the sword will not pass through our country and that President Trump along with our leaders be filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might to declare the sins of Gods people. Please pray for revival and that the Lord would pour out his spirit on his servants, throughout the world both men and women. Pray for the peace of Israel. Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.In Jesus Name, āmen.

Saņemts: februāris 25, 2018

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Amanda R. brūns

I don’t know if praying works. I am in divorce like situation with my sister. I have been financially supported by my sister. That seems to be all that people care about. Well do you pay bills. This is what is happening. The person has two sons, and is currently dating. I have been put out and restricted to the hours of 8 pm to 8am. I cannot enter the house. The hours listed are the hours they work. So I am there with the children. They have been able to continue their life like normal. But my life has been turned upside down. I have a 4.0 GPA and the person is jealous because they are not in school.

1. She has to leave one child home to take the other to school. Either I or my mom has to stay home to care for the child. We never know when she is coming back. If we call her she forwards calls.,

2. The first night she took advantage of my homelessness and used it to go off to be with her boyfriend. I have been told constantly that I am getting to do whatever I want. But she is the one that really does whatever. She can come and go as she pleases because we help her.

3. I am paying for an internet connection at her house. It was for school. I am not able to use it because of not being able to be at home. But she probably uses it.

4. I am not allowed there unless she is there. It is as if I am in the doghouse. But the whole thing is she doesn’t want to support me getting a 4.0. She claims school doesn’t matter. But when I went to her house at 8 last night she claimed she was going to go to nursing school. Tātad, its okay for you to go to school, but when I’m in school it’s a sin.

5. She took away the keys to her apartment. I don’t have access to any of my things and have to carry everything around for 12 hours.

6. I have not been able to eat consistently because I refuse to eat fast food and ruin my weight. arī, there has been a jealousy because of me working out. I used to be 254 lbs, now I am about 180. She is jealous and says that because of her I was able to lose weight. It seems as if she thinks she is God. Everything I do that is good is because of her. She feels like because she pays bills that that means everything. It doesn’t. You have to work to lose 70 lbs or get a 4.0. Nobody praying my bills got me those things. I had to pray and work and I still am under these conditions. But I’m tired of the extra drama.

7. I paid for her books and laptop to go to school, and gave her all my old test to a class. Protams, she made an A.

8. I paid for her to go to driver’s school.

9. I have contributed to her GROWTH tremendously, but every time I start growing I get thrown outside and told to live with it.

10. arī, I listen to her talk about the garbage that is going on with her and her boyfriend. That costs because of time and energy. Nobody else cares.

She is taking advantage of the weather being cold and rainy. I can't live like that. I was just waiting till this last semester was over to work. Because I have worked hard for a 4.0 GPA. I stand behind that decision 2000 percent. School matters.

Please pray for a solution for me.

Saņemts: februāris 23, 2018

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Help and pray you too for me in my the fight against false doctrine who not confess Jesus blood in salvation,but use own victims,thanks for helping,bless,Keijo sweden

Saņemts: janvāris 31, 2018

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