Add your prayer for family, whether your own or for the fabric of family, marriage.

あなたは下記のフォームを使用して、私たちの祈りの壁にあなたの祈りのリクエストを追加することができます. 祈りの要求が受信されると, 私たちはあなたの指示に従って、それを共有します. あなたが好きなように多くの祈りのリクエストを送信すること自由に感じ!


祈りのリクエストは私の家族のためにアルコールから特別に私の夫の救いです, 怠惰な精神と停滞. イエスの名で世代呪いを破ります. そこの家の司祭としてそこに正当な場所に移動するために、すべての男性. 感情的に財政的に精神的に保護を提供. 世界中の結婚のための祈り.

受け: 行進 19, 2019


以下のために祈りました 1 時間.



1. 厚労省、私のために私の家族の心をかき立てます, 私の妻ドロシー, 私たちの娘アン, そして私たちの息子ピーターとダニエル - \"..しかし、私と私の家のためとして、, we will serve the Lord\" ジョシュア 24.15

2. Pray God\'s will and wisdom for me and my family; 私はダニエルのための学校で偉大な知恵を神に頼みます, そしてエドモンドの作業状況について, ドロシーとピーターのために (also God\'s direction for his life) アン (アンは夫が必要です),

受け: 六月 24, 2017


Dear friends,brothers and sisters. Really need help your. I'm 26 years old,I grew up without parents,now married,we have a small child 4.5 年. Live in poverty,housing rent. Recently the doctors discovered I have varicose veins difficult degree on both legs,from the groin and to the lower extremities of the legs( both legs) Said if we do not do the surgery,there will be bad consequences,it will begin to rot the skin and instant death I'm scared to tell. Need surgery,said that after the surgery everything will be fine. The operation to 10 000. I ask all not indifferent to help. I have a wife and son,I am very afraid for them son is very sick,1.5 years ago had surgery. It's not a divorce, I could lose my job. Everyone knows what is happening in Ukraine,the prices are terrible,the war is going. I'm afraid of.

受け: 9月 20, 2016


I am so sorry to be asking again, please help me with your prayers, I am end of my rope and cannot take this pressure in my life when I am almost 66 years old, please help me.

Please pray for my son start working with Lord guidance and wisdom and do well in his career path, help him to stop playing video games and concentrate on his career, finding the right girl in his life, please help

Please pray for my business do well, it's so much down, I don't know what to do anymore, end of my rope with worry, stress, 失敗, please help, I am begging you.

Please pray for my other son to finish from lawsuit and both parties come to mutual agreement and understanding, it's taking toll on both families, help them settle.

I am crying for your prayers, please help me. ありがとうございました

受け: 9月 8, 2016


以下のために祈りました 1 時間.


Please pray for my husband to drop the divorce. Please pray God softens his heart and renews his love, respect and admiration for me. Please pray God gives us the humility, 根気, understanding and courage needed to fix our issues. Please pray for the salvation of our marriage please.

受け: 8月 4, 2016



Please pray for:

0. ポーランド, イエス・キリストを通しての宗教から神への自由,

1. stirring up the service to the God for me, 私の妻ドロシー, 私たちの娘アン,

私たちの息子のピーターとダニエル -

"..しかし、私と私の家のためとして、, we will

serve the Lord" ジョシュア 24.15

2. 私と私の家族に対する神の意志と知恵; ダニエルのために学校で学ぶために特別に,studying for Peter, エドマンドで働いています, Dorothy and Ann( Ann need husband),

3. 私の仕事で神のために. 祝福と私の上司のためにイエス・キリストの知識.

Great stress and continuous attacks from bosses. I work in insurance corporation as programmer.



受け: 1月 30, 2015


以下のために祈りました 1 時間.

Debbie J Lueck

restoration for my family and marriage Lift Tyson and Debbie marriage up and rebuke divorce. Strong prayers for my children during all of this.. Tyson and his family are trying to turn my children against me. Please strong prayer to turn this situation around and give us all strength and peace

Please share I need all the prayers

受け: 12月 6, 2014


That Lenard provide support for his child now that he works two jobs.

受け: 10月 18, 2014
