Those who love Israel are blessed and those who hate Zion are shamed and cursed: And I will make you a great nation (Israel), and I will bless you, and make your name great…and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the […]
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ক্যাটাগরি ইসলাম
Prayer Walking Guide
Guide to Prayer Walking and Observation in the Community by What is prayer walking? One simple definition: “Praying on-site with insight.” The purpose of prayer-walking is to seek God’s guidance, mercy, and transforming power—both for the community, and for ourselves as God’s servants in the community. Become more aware of what you see while […]
Walking with God Steven J. Cole
The Men Who Had Connections With God (এজেকিয়েল 14:12-20) Related Media Have you ever had connections that got you special treatment? Everyone else was waiting in a long line, when your connection took you to the front of the line. No one else could get tickets to the sold-out event, but your connection got you […]
স্মৃতিতে বাইবেল কমিট করুন
If you want to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure what to memorize or how, this system is the perfect launching point to begin hiding God’s Word in your heart. Below is a list of the 5 pivotal topics addressed in the original Topical Memory System. LIVING THE NEW LIFE Christ the Center 2 করিন্থিয়ান্স 5:17 […]
Another version of Mary did you know
CeeLo Green – Mary Did You Know (বাইবেল) NOW PLAYING 04:12 CeeLo Green – Mary Did You Know (বাইবেল) HD | 1 years ago | 3,291,840 views | by BibleSeries “Mary Did You Know” performed by CeeLo Green featuring scenes from producers Roma Downey (Touched By An Angel) and Mark …
The Names of Jesus Christ
The Bible gives over 100 names for Jesus within the sacred texts. Below you will find many of these names and their related scripture. We will be working to find more names so please check back for updates. God bless.And He shall be called…1. Advocate (1 john 2:1)2. Lamb of God (জন 1:29) 3. The […]
4 Types of Biblical Love
Explore four different types of love in the Bible and look up Scriptures that speak of divine love, brotherly love, family love and romantic love in the Bible. Discover what love really means, and how you can follow Jesus Christ’s command to “love one another.” Eros Love Definition: Eros is the physical, sensual love […]
Mary Did you Know
Corrie Ten Boom
HTTP:// Strengthen your Faith and Inspire your Life. The Ten Boom Story Forever Changed My Life and will likely change yours too! It was 1977 in Texarkana, Texas at a Holiday Inn where I first met Corrie ten Boom. At first I didn’t recognize the elderly woman making her way into the hotel; I just […]
What Happens to Prayers at the Western W...
JERUSALEM, Israel – Visitors to Jerusalem often place written prayers in the cracks of the Western Wall. But what happens when those crevices get too full? Ten million people visited the Western Wall (called the Kotel in Hebrew) last year. Many of them tucked prayer requests between the ancient stones. “This Wall is very famous […]