HEAVENLETTERS – ঈশ্বরের কাছ থেকে প্রেম অক্ষর – বই 1
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লেখক: NY ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস অ্যাডমিনকে প্রার্থনা করুন
Notable Prayers in the Bible
Notable Bible Prayers Index Use this collection of notable prayers found in the Bible to study the prayers of the Bible or simply to help you become more effective in your prayer life as you pray God’s Word. Share Christ’s Intercessory Prayer In this notable prayer found in the Bible, Jesus prays a prayer of […]
বেসিক খৃস্টান বিশ্বাস
Basic Christian Beliefs What do Christians believe? Answering that question is no simple matter. Christianity as a religion encompasses a wide range ofdenominations and faith groups, and each subscribes to its own set of doctrinal positions. The following are the basic Christian beliefs central to almost all Christian faiths. They are presented here as the […]
National Day of Prayer PrayerCast
On October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring the foremost teachers on prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local […]
Eric and Noemi Ross
Eric and Noemi Ross, Founders of Pray New York.org and the New York State Coordinators for the National Day of Prayer Task-force. Our desire is to built relationships and provide resources and strategies to support Regional, County, District, City, and Event Coordinators carry out their ministerial calling. The National Day of Prayer is the first Thursday […]
Names of God
Knowing God The great purpose of man, especially the believer in Christ, is to glorify God. “Whether, তারপর, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 করিন্থিয়ান্স 10:31). Essential to our ability to glorify God is the knowledge of God and knowing Him personally in view of […]
বিজ্ঞ পরামর্শ খোঁজা
“Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise” (বাগধারা 15:31). Have you ever felt the need to seek wise counsel? Many times we may find ourselves in need of a person to share our thoughts with and receive direction based on God’s word. Each of us need someone we can turn to […]
প্রার্থনা সম্পর্কে বাইবেলের আয়াত
Bible Verses About Prayer from the King James Version (কেজেভি) ফিলিপীয় 4:6 – কিছুই জন্য সতর্ক থাকুন; কিন্তু প্রত্যেক বিষয়ে প্রার্থনা ও বিনতি দ্বারা ধন্যবাদ সহকারে তোমাদের অনুরোধ ঈশ্বরের কাছে জানানো হোক৷. 1 থিষলনীকীয় 5:17 – বিরতি ছাড়াই প্রার্থনা করুন. ছাপ 11:24 – তাই আমি তোমাদের বলছি, আপনি যা ইচ্ছা তাই কি জিনিস, when […]
Suggested Reading
SUGGESTED READING & RESOURCES Our mission is to lead people into a deeper relationship with Christ! Below are a list of resources that we recommend to help on your walk with Christ. Prayer Be a lover of God, seeking to live in the love of Christ above all else Simply Christian by NT Wright Mere Christianity by […]
National Prayer 2014
2014 National Prayer Thursday, মে 1, 2014 Theme: One Voice United in Prayer Scripture: রোমানরা 15:6 To participate http://nationaldayofprayer.org Download Audio Lord of the Universe. Lord of this planet. Lord of the nations. Lord of our hearts. On this National Day of Prayer, we look to You… In the darkness, You are our Light. মধ্যে […]