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What Happens to Prayers at the Western W...

What Happens to Prayers at the Western Wall?

JERUSALEM, IsraelVisitors to Jerusalem often place written prayers in the cracks of the Western Wall. But what happens when those crevices get too full? Ten million people visited the Western Wall (called the Kotel in Hebrew) last year. Many of them tucked prayer requests between the ancient stones. “This Wall is very famous […]

It’s time for God’s Favor over your lif

It’s time for God’s  Favor over your life.

2 করিন্থিয়ান্স 6:2 ” For He says in the time my favor I heard you, and in the time day of salvation I helped you, I tell you now is the time of God’s favor; now is the day of salvation”. God has determined times and seasons for his works concerning your life, in His […]

Does God Answer All Prayers?

Does God Answer All Prayers?

Most of us believe that when we “cry out” to God—that is, appeal to Him through prayer—He always hears those prayers. “Ask,” we read in Matthew 7:7, “and it will be given to you.” But what about Bible passages that suggest that sometimes God doesn’t listen to our prayers? Consider Psalm 66, in which the […]



HTTP://www.call2fall.com Declaration The Call 2 Fall Declaration comes straight from the pages of Scripture: যদি আমার মানুষ, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 […]