Available Videos
Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me (2:40)
لوقا 18:15-17Jesus Declares the Parable of the Lost Sheep (2:17)
لوقا 15:2-7Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the Sabbath (2:24)
يوحنا 5:2-12Seek Ye the Kingdom of God (3:57)
لوقا 12:13-34Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men (1:52)
ماثيو 4:18-22The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have (3:18)
يوحنا 10:1-18Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist / Come Unto Me (5:50)
ماثيو 11:1-30Peter’s Revelation to Take the Gospel to the Gentiles (9:07)
أعمال 10:1-48; 11:1-18Forgive 70 Times 7 (3:23)
ماثيو 18:21-35The Kingdom of Heaven (1:50)
ماثيو 13:44-51The Prodigal Son (5:35)
لوقا 15:11-32I Am the Bread of Life (6:48)
يوحنا 6:25-71Whosoever Will Lose His Life for My Sake Shall Find It (1:57)
ماثيو 16:21–28Jesus Declares the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (1:18)
ماثيو 13:36-43Render unto Caesar and unto God (0:57)
علامة 12:13-17Peter and John Are Judged (2:52)
أعمال 4:5-21
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