Prayers for all areas of National, State, 군, and local City governments.

당신은 아래의 양식을 사용하여 우리의기도 벽에기도 요청을 추가 할 수 있습니다. 기도 요청이 수신되면, 우리는 당신의 지시에 따라 공유합니다. 당신이 원하는만큼 많은기도 요청을 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다!

에드먼드 Krzeminski

Please pray to overcome for:

0. 폴란드, 예수 그리스도를 통하여 하나님을 종교로부터의 자유,

0. Church in the USA - 매트. 3.12

1. stirring up the ministry to the God for me, 내 아내 도로시, 우리의

daughter Ann, 우리의 아들 피터와 다니엘 - "..오직 나와 내 집은, 우리는 주님을 섬기는 것입니다" 여호수아 24.15

2. 저와 제 가족을위한 하나님의 뜻과 지혜; 특별히 다니엘 학교에서 학습,에드먼드 근무, 도로시, 베드로 (자신의 삶에 대한 하나님의 방향) 앤( Ann needs husband),

3. I need a job

에드먼드 Krzeminski

수신: 십월 7, 2016


기도 3 타임스.

Eric Ross

This National Prayer was written by the 2016 National Day of Prayer Honorary Chairman Dr. Tony Evans. Please pray this for our nation and plan to participate in the National Day of Prayer Thursday, 할 수있다 5, 2016.

Dear heavenly Father, we come to You today as a humble people desperate for Your supernatural intervention on behalf of our beloved nation. 먼저, we thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed on our land, blessings that have allowed us to bring so much good and benefit to not only our own citizens but also to the rest of the world. The very ideals upon which this country was founded were based on biblical truths, no matter how some try to rewrite history to deny that very fact today.

This is why our hearts are so broken over how You continue to be marginalized and dismissed by both our people and our institutions. We are also saddened by the fact that Your people have contributed greatly to the spiritual apathy that now engulfs us. Our satisfaction in remaining religious without being fully committed to living out the truths of Your Word has caused us to become co-conspirators with the forces of evil that are destroying us as a society.

It is for this reason that we personally and collectively repent of our carnality and recommit ourselves to becoming visible and verbal disciples of Jesus Christ. Enable us, by Your Spirit, to no longer be secret agent Christians but rather to publicly declare and live out Your truth in a spirit of love so that You feel welcome in our country once again.

Thank You for Your promise to hear our prayers when we call to You with hearts of repentance and obedience, which is how we are appealing to You today, 아버지. On behalf of Your church, we affirm afresh the priority You are to us that You would fill every dimension of our lives as we seek to bring You glory through the advancement of Your kingdom in our personal lives, our family lives, and in the lives of our churches and our government leaders. We confidently invite heaven’s intervention into all the affairs of our nation and we praise You in advance for Your answer.

In Jesus’ name we pray.


by Dr. Tony Evans



수신: 4 월 4, 2016

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