当希伯来书的这则信息结束时, 我们被提醒我们的行为: 热情好客, 记住那些在监狱里的人, 尊重婚姻, to “imitate their (我们的领导人) faith”. 然后在结论中补充一些东西, Hebrews 13:15-19 至…
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分类: Hebrews
Greater Wealth Than the Treasures of Egy...
当我们经历希伯来 11, we find that the people that lived by faith “were strangers and temporary residents on the earth”. Some experienced overcoming miracle working power, but others, “were approved through their faith” but never saw the…
后 比埃及的宝藏更大的财富 最先出现在 告诉一个.