Thêm yêu cầu cầu nguyện của bạn vào trang PRAY New York và thấy rằng những người khác đang cầu nguyện cho bạn.

Tôi đã cầu nguyện cho điều này

Cầu nguyện cho 1 thời gian.

Vô danh

I am sorry to be asking again and again, I don't know what to do anymore, I am suffering inside please help me with my son do well in his career with your guidance and wisdom. Help my with my business do well, it's so much down, I am hurting inside, please see my heart, help, I cannot take this pressure, I am almost 66 years old, please help. Please help my other son with his lawsuit and both parties come to happy agreement, I am begging, I am so stressed out inside with worry and failure.

Nhận: tháng Tám 5, 2016

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