
The New and Living Way

The New and Living Way

The first covenant, the Law, was ratified by blood. It says here in Hebrews that everything is purified by blood which we really don’t quite understand. We would say we have moved beyond that barbaric blood sacrifice kind of thinking.

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Taste The Good Word of God

Taste The Good Word of God

The main message here is that God is not far away separating himself from us as if we were untouchables, that is the way the world works. God is acknowledging his Son Jesus Christ as our high priest, the one

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Taste The Good Word of God

Taste The Good Word of God

The main message here is that God is not far away separating himself from us as if we were untouchables, that is the way the world works. God is acknowledging his Son Jesus Christ as our high priest, the one

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Today If You Hear His Voice

Today If You Hear His Voice

Three times in the beginning chapters of Hebrews we find this phrase, “Today, if you here his voice”. Who Hindered You? กาลาเทีย 5:7–15 As Paul comes to the end of his letter, he comments in Galatians 5:7 “you were running

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Live By The Spirit

Live By The Spirit

That The Promise Could Be Given By Faith Galatians 3:19–29 กาลาเทีย 3:19 says “It (the Law) was added on account of transgressions, having been ordered through angels”. และ, “The meaning is, that the promulgation of the law at Sinai was

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For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free

For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free

Some have come into the church at Galatis, trying to bring them back under the law. That The Promise Could Be Given By Faith Galatians 3:19–29 กาลาเทีย 3:19 says “It (the Law) was added on account of transgressions, having been

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Entrusted With The Gospel

Entrusted With The Gospel

An Apostle Not From Men Galatians 1:1–5 God establishes people in ministry offices as Paul was set as an apostle in Galatians 1:1. เอเฟซัส 4:11–12 (LEB) And he himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as

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This Salvation of God Has Been Sent to t...


Paul is on the ship the fourteenth night and has had God’s promise that not only would he go to Rome, but all on the ship would be saved. But the sailors believe they are close to land and try

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