Ongeza maombi yako ya maombi kwenye tovuti ya PRAY New York na uone kuwa wengine wanakuombea.
Unaweza kuongeza ombi lako la maombi kwenye ukuta wetu wa maombi ukitumia fomu hapa chini. Mara tu ombi lako la maombi limepokelewa, tutashiriki kulingana na maagizo yako. Jisikie huru kutuma maombi mengi ya maombi kama unavyopenda!
Prayer Request Admin
Father, I acknowledge you as Lord, and in the name of Jesus, ask that you direct my path in business by giving me your wisdom and understanding to establish your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. .I trust in you Lord to provide the resources and answers and solutions that the Name of Jesus be glorified through my life and business.
methali 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.
Imepokelewa: Mei 15, 2013
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