Kära vänner,

Tänk om en stor samling gudfruktiga kvinnor förenades för att lyfta sina röster till himlen? Kan ännu ett stort uppvaknande översvämma vår nation igen?

I 1997, en miljon män kämpade för sina familjer på National Mall under Promise Keepers’ massive Stand in the Gap event. This October 9th, 20-årsdagen av denna sammankomst, women from across America will join together in Washington, DC to proclaim hope and healing for our nation.

Mothers, daughters, sisters, vänner: we are calling you join us to bend heaven’s ear with a sacrifice of love, high praise and prevailing prayer. We will rise together as Esthers and Deborahs; devout women of every age, race and denomination to give voice both to the pain and hope of our deeply divided nation. Can you stand with us to release fresh intercession and the Word of Life for a lost generation?

In the 1960s-70s, a million mothers cried out to God for their lost children, and mass salvation broke out. Once again, women must birth a sweeping new Jesus Movement, rising up in the nation as great evangelists and spiritual mothers to turn us back to God.

This may be the most decisive moment in the history of America as a last stand against unrighteousness. Can a nation be saved in a day? Yes, when women pray! Rise Up on October 9, 2017.