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Kategori: Si të luten
Notable Prayers in the Bible
Notable Bible Prayers Index Use this collection of notable prayers found in the Bible to study the prayers of the Bible or simply to help you become more effective in your prayer life as you pray God’s Word. Share Christ’s Intercessory Prayer In this notable prayer found in the Bible, Jesus prays a prayer of […]
National Day of Prayer PrayerCast
On October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring the foremost teachers on prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local […]
Vargjet Bibla për lutjen
Bible Verses About Prayer from the King James Version (KJV) Filipianëve 4:6 – Kini kujdes për asgjë; por në çdo gjë, me lutje dhe përgjërime me falënderim, bëjini të njohura kërkesat tuaja Perëndisë. 1 Selanikasve 5:17 – Lutuni pa pushim. shenjë 11:24 – Prandaj po ju them juve, Çfarëdo që dëshironi, when […]
National Prayer 2014
2014 National Prayer Thursday, Mund 1, 2014 Theme: One Voice United in Prayer Scripture: Romakëve 15:6 To participate http://nationaldayofprayer.org Download Audio Lord of the Universe. Lord of this planet. Lord of the nations. Lord of our hearts. On this National Day of Prayer, we look to You… In the darkness, You are our Light. Në […]