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The Eternal Covenant

The Eternal Covenant

As this message in Hebrews closes, we are reminded of our actions: to be hospitable, to remember those in prison, to honor marriage, to “imitate their (our leaders) faith”. Then a few more things at the conclusion, Евреите 13:15-19 to

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Greater Wealth Than the Treasures of Egy...

Greater Wealth Than the Treasures of Egypt

As we go through Hebrews 11, we find that the people that lived by faith “were strangers and temporary residents on the earth”. Some experienced overcoming miracle working power, but others, “were approved through their faithbut never saw the

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The post Greater Wealth Than the Treasures of Egypt appeared first on кажете Еден.

Today If You Hear His Voice

Today If You Hear His Voice

Three times in the beginning chapters of Hebrews we find this phrase, “Today, if you here his voice”. Who Hindered You? Галатјаните 5:7–15 As Paul comes to the end of his letter, he comments in Galatians 5:7 “you were running

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The post Today If You Hear His Voice appeared first on кажете Еден.

For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free

For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free

Some have come into the church at Galatis, trying to bring them back under the law. That The Promise Could Be Given By Faith Galatians 3:19–29 Галатјаните 3:19 says “It (the Law) was added on account of transgressions, having been

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The post For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free appeared first on кажете Еден.