A Prophetic Prayer Initiative For the Current World Crises

  • Ukraine/Russia Crises/One Million Displaced
  • Worst Ebola Epidemic in History
  • Hamas-Israel 50 Day War: Deadliest Violence of the Decade
  • Syria Crisis: 100,000 killed-3 Million Refugees Forced to Flee After Islamic State Attacks

Is terrorists:

Brutal Massacres





  • U.S, Conducts airstrikes against ISIS in Syria


40 Days of Prayer

Global Prayer Assembly

24 Hour Non-Stop Prayer

We are at WAR!

Thus Saith the Lord of Host”, “Don’t turn the world over to the demonic forces. Declare war on the devil’s War!”

40 Days of Intensified Prayer, dievināt, and Spiritual warfare

decembris 1, 2014 to January 9, 2015

Global Day of Prayer

24-Hour, Non Stop Prayer

no 6:00am – janvāris 9, to 6:00am ,. janvāris 10, 2015