기도로 뉴욕 사이트에기도 요청을 추가하고 다른 사람이 당신을 위해기도하는 것을 볼 수.


기도 1 시각.


I am sorry to be asking again and again, 더 이상 무엇을 해야할지 모르겠어요, I am suffering inside please help me with my son do well in his career with your guidance and wisdom. Help my with my business do well, 훨씬 아래로 그래서, I am hurting inside, please see my heart, help, I cannot take this pressure, I am almost 66 살이에요, 도와주세요. Please help my other son with his lawsuit and both parties come to happy agreement, I am begging, I am so stressed out inside with worry and failure.

수신: 8 월 5, 2016

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