Tambahkan permohonan doa Anda ke PRAY New York situs dan melihat bahwa orang lain berdoa untuk Anda.

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teman-teman,kakak beradik. Benar-benar butuh bantuan Anda. Saya m 26 tahun,Saya dibesarkan tanpa orang tua,sekarang sudah menikah,kami memiliki anak kecil 4.5 tahun. Hidup dlm kemiskinan,perumahan sewa. Baru-baru ini para dokter menemukan saya memiliki varises gelar sulit pada kedua kaki,dari pangkal paha dan ekstremitas bawah kaki( kedua kaki) Mengatakan jika kita tidak melakukan operasi,akan ada konsekuensi buruk,akan mulai membusuk kulit dan kematian instan aku takut untuk memberitahu. perlu operasi,mengatakan bahwa setelah operasi semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Operasi untuk 10 000. Saya meminta semua tidak peduli untuk membantu. Aku punya istri dan anak,I am very afraid for them son is very sick,1.5 years ago had surgery. It's not a divorce, I could lose my job. Everyone knows what is happening in Ukraine,the prices are terrible,the war is going. I'm afraid of.

menerima: September 20, 2016


I am so sorry to be asking again, please help me with your prayers, I am end of my rope and cannot take this pressure in my life when I am almost 66 tahun, please help me.

Please pray for my son start working with Lord guidance and wisdom and do well in his career path, help him to stop playing video games and concentrate on his career, finding the right girl in his life, please help

Please pray for my business do well, it's so much down, I don't know what to do anymore, end of my rope with worry, stress, kegagalan, please help, I am begging you.

Please pray for my other son to finish from lawsuit and both parties come to mutual agreement and understanding, it's taking toll on both families, help them settle.

I am crying for your prayers, please help me. Terima kasih

menerima: September 8, 2016

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Sandra M

SILAHKAN berdoa untuk penyembuhan total tubuh untuk James B. Dia memiliki perdarahan rektum, body pains and fatigue. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU.

menerima: Agustus 15, 2016

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berdoa untuk 2 waktu.

Michael Taylor

Please pray for my friend Barbara who has mental issues that she may recover her peace and calm and return to God.

menerima: Agustus 13, 2016

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Michael L Taylor

Please pray that I may be calm strong and healthy through God's loving and almighty power as I face health issues and stress concerning my sick mother. Please pray for her also. Her name is Lise.

menerima: Agustus 6, 2016

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I am sorry to be asking again and again, I don't know what to do anymore, I am suffering inside please help me with my son do well in his career with your guidance and wisdom. Help my with my business do well, it's so much down, I am hurting inside, please see my heart, help, I cannot take this pressure, I am almost 66 tahun, please help. Please help my other son with his lawsuit and both parties come to happy agreement, I am begging, I am so stressed out inside with worry and failure.

menerima: Agustus 5, 2016

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berdoa untuk 1 waktu.


Please pray for my husband to drop the divorce. Please pray God softens his heart and renews his love, respect and admiration for me. Please pray God gives us the humility, patience, understanding and courage needed to fix our issues. Please pray for the salvation of our marriage please.

menerima: Agustus 4, 2016


Please pray for Eddie O. he needs GOD salvation urgently, he is upset at GOD and believes GOD doesn’t exist, he had experience PTSD disorders after serving as a soldier in Afghanistan war, has lots of pride, unforgiveness, anger, fornication, arrogance, dll. only JESUS will be able to help him, please pray for him to be saved and healed. Thank you so much.

menerima: Juli 28, 2016


heal my anxiety attacks

body mind

financial blessings 4 saya 4 free

menerima: Juli 19, 2016

Michael L Taylor

Please pray for my friend Barbara that she may find peace and true balance in her life and for my 93 year old mother Lise, that all her needs may be met and for Robert Katya and myself. We three need peace calm and right judgement.

menerima: Juni 18, 2016

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