Add your prayer requests to the PRAY New York site and see that others are praying for you.

Sa võid lisada oma palve taotluse meie palve seina kasutades allolevat vormi. Kui teie palve on saanud taotluse, jagame seda vastavalt oma juhised. Julgelt esitada nii palju palvesoovid soovid!

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Ioan Tanase

Please, people of God, I am asking for your faith in prayers for my brother Lucian. He is going through difficult emotional and mental pain and depression. He just had a complete mental breakdown and is now in the hospital. I know that Jesus will completely heal him and give him hope and happiness and blessings. I believe in God and know that he will heal my brother. Thank You.

saanud: detsember 28, 2017

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Please pray for those I have never met or have never done anything to yet they attack me verbally and physically. Pray for them because they are in need of help

saanud: november 26, 2017

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My house is being in foreclosure and I\'m asking you and begging you to please pray that the mortgage finance company cancel, waive, eliminate, and get rid of the foreclosure which is on my house and to take the foreclosure from our house and for us to be able to stay in our house and to keep our house. also please pray for our victory over the mortgage finance company and for us to keep our house and to stay in our house at this present location. God bless you in Jesus name we pray. Aamen.

saanud: november 21, 2017

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Luke 1:37 For no word from God will ever fail.” I send forth the word of God regarding my children. The word of God which has been spoken over their lives will bear much fruit. Recall the prayers of my parents, grandparents, friends and associates regarding Ryan, Charles A.J., and Harold, please bring forth the harvest of beautiful fruit. They will be the head not the tail, they\'re the Kings children, the are 10x better, 10 times smarter and you are going to educate us, restore us and keep every promise you ever gave us. In the name of Jesus we praise and thank you in advance. Aamen

saanud: november 19, 2017

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Cynthia Celenne

My name is Cynthia Celenne and I am from Central Florida; I have a very small family and I don't have anyone to pray for me other than one uncle. I am asking that several people would please pray for me over the next few weeks asking God to please provide an excellent and unique employment opportunity for me in accordance with His Will, His Purposes and Plans for my life. I ask Him to stave off the Enemy's attacks on my finances and to give Perfect Provision through Perfect Providence, in Jesus' name.

saanud: november 17, 2017

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Edmund Krzeminski

[Me loeme] King Jamesi piiblis, Hesekiel 22:30: "Ja ma otsisin nende hulgast meest, see peaks moodustama heki, ja seista lõhe enne mind maa, et ma seda ei hävitaks: aga ma ei leidnud."

Jumal, palun aidake meid ja õpetage meid müüri ehitama [palvest] USA ümber, Kanada ja Poola. Kas olete valmis seisma tühimikus, kus Jumal on abimees ja õpetaja?

Palun palvetage, et Poola, USA/Kanada saaks üle: (Teod 26.18).

* Poola, palvetage vabaduse eest surnud religioonist päästva usuni Jumalasse Jeesuse Kristuse kui Päästja ja Issanda kaudu ainult armust,

* kirik USA-s, Kanada – Palvetage meeleparanduse ja kiriku puhastamise eest – Matt. 3.12 "Kelle lehvik on käes, ja ta puhastab oma põranda põhjalikult, ja koguge oma nisu aita; aga ta põletab aganad kustumatu tulega."

* minu perekond:

1. Ergutage mu pere südant teenimiseks – minu jaoks, mu naine Dorothy, meie tütar Ann, ja meie pojad Peetrus ja Taaniel - "..aga mis puudutab mind ja mu maja, me teenime Issandat" Joshua 24.15

2. Palu Jumala tahet ja tarkust minu ja mu pere jaoks; Ma palun Jumalalt Taanielile suurt tarkust koolis, ja Edmundi tööolukorra jaoks, Dorothy ja Peetri jaoks (ka Jumala juhtnöörid tema elule) ja Ann (Ann vajab meest),

3. Jumala Et minu töö. Ma palun Jumalalt oma töös suurt tarkust. Õnnistagu ja teadmised Jeesuse Kristuse minu ülemused. Jumal tänatud minu töö jätkumise eest.

Edmund Krzeminski

saanud: oktoober 7, 2017

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Sandra M

PLEASE pray for a complete healing of body for James B. He has rectal bleeding, fatigue, and body pains. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU.

saanud: juuni 28, 2017

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Edmund Krzeminski

Please pray for my family:

1. Ergutage mu pere südant teenimiseks – minu jaoks, mu naine Dorothy, meie tütar Ann, ja meie pojad Peetrus ja Taaniel - \"..aga mis puudutab mind ja mu maja, we will serve the Lord\" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray God\'s will and wisdom for me and my family; Ma palun Jumalalt Taanielile suurt tarkust koolis, ja Edmundi tööolukorra jaoks, Dorothy ja Peetri jaoks (also God\'s direction for his life) ja Ann (Ann vajab meest),

saanud: juuni 24, 2017

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Mary Anderson

Please pray for my daughter\'s friend, Alyson, to be delivered from, healed of -- pathological lying and manipulation.


saanud: juuni 16, 2017

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Edmund Krzeminski

[Me loeme] King Jamesi piiblis, Hesekiel 22:30: \"Ja ma otsisin nende hulgast meest, see peaks moodustama heki, ja seista lõhe enne mind maa, et ma seda ei hävitaks: but I found none.\"

Jumal, palun aidake meid ja õpetage meid müüri ehitama [palvest] USA ümber, Kanada ja Poola. Kas olete valmis seisma tühimikus, kus Jumal on abimees ja õpetaja?

Palun palvetage, et Poola, USA/Kanada saaks üle: (Teod 26.18).

* Poola, palvetage vabaduse eest surnud religioonist päästva usuni Jumalasse Jeesuse Kristuse kui Päästja ja Issanda kaudu ainult armust,

* kirik USA-s, Kanada – Palvetage meeleparanduse ja kiriku puhastamise eest – Matt. 3.12 \"Kelle lehvik on käes, ja ta puhastab oma põranda põhjalikult, ja koguge oma nisu aita; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.\"

* minu perekond:

1. Ergutage mu pere südant teenimiseks – minu jaoks, mu naine Dorothy, meie tütar Ann, ja meie pojad Peetrus ja Taaniel - \"..aga mis puudutab mind ja mu maja, we will serve the Lord\" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray God\'s will and wisdom for me and my family; Ma palun Jumalalt Taanielile suurt tarkust koolis, ja Edmundi tööolukorra jaoks, Dorothy ja Peetri jaoks (also God\'s direction for his life) ja Ann (Ann vajab meest),

3. God\'s order in my work. Ma palun Jumalalt oma töös suurt tarkust. Õnnistagu ja teadmised Jeesuse Kristuse minu ülemused. Jumal tänatud minu töö jätkumise eest.

Edmund Krzeminski

saanud: juuni 14, 2017

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