
God’s promise can be trusted (Γένεση 9:17)

Jesus established a new covenant (Luke 22:20)

God’s covenant brings life (2 Κορίνθιανς 3:6)

The new covenant is superior to the old covenant (Hebrews 8:6)

The old covenant foreshadowed the new covenant (Εβραίους 10:1)


God the Holy Spirit was involved in Creation (Γένεση 1:1–2)

God created people (Γένεση 1:27)

God created the world good (Γένεση 1:31)

God the Father was involved in Creation (Ψαλμός 33:6)

σολod rules over his creation (Ψαλμός 89:11)

God created every angel (Ψαλμός 148:2–5)

God created everything (Ιερεμίας 10:16)

Creation reveals God’s greatness (Amos 4:13)

Jesus was involved in Creation (Colossians 1:16)

God the Creator is worthy of worship (Αποκάλυψη 4:11)

God will make a new heaven and new earth (Αποκάλυψη 21:1–4)


Take care of your own problems before criticizing others (Ματθαίος 7:3–5)

Criticism should help people deepen their relationship with God (Luke 17:3–5)

Criticism should be given with a loving attitude (1 Κορίνθιανς 13:4–5)

Harsh criticism can destroy rather than help (Γαλάτας 5:15)


Jesus was crucified (Ματθαίος 27:31–35)

Christians should pick up their own crosses (Σημάδι 8:34–38)

Jesus’ death was powerful (1 Κορίνθιανς 1:17–18)

Jesus’ death unified all Christians (Εφεσίους 2:16)

Jesus’ death was a sacrifice (Κολοσσαείς 1:20–22)

Jesus’ death defeated Satan (Κολοσσαείς 2:14–15)

Jesus’ cross is an example for us (Εβραίους 12:2)


God hates the occult (Λευιτικόν 19:26)

God judges those who wrongly claim to speak for him (Δευτερονόμιο 18:20–22)

God hates cultic practices (2 Kings 17:17)

God despises false prophets (Ιεζεκιήλ 13:8-9)

False teachers will come (Ματθαίος 7:15)

Only Jesus brings salvation (Γιάννης 14:6)

Members of the occult will never enter God’s Kingdom (Γαλάτας 5:19–21)

Be careful in your spiritual life (1 οssalonians 5:21)

Darkness, Spiritual

God’s Word enlightens us (Ψαλμός 119:105)

The way of wicked people is darkness (Παροιμίες 4:19)

Jesus brings light to darkened lives (Γιάννης 1:5)

Living without God is living in spiritual darkness (πράξεις 26:17–18)

Christians do not live in spiritual darkness (Εφεσίους 5:8)

God rescued us from eternal darkness (Κολοσσαείς 1:13)

There is no darkness in Jesus (1 Γιάννης 1:5)

Sinners’ eternal punishment will be in darkness (Jude 1:4-13)


Death is a result of sin (Γένεση 3:17–19)

Life is short (Δουλειά 7:6–7)

Every person will face death (Ψαλμός 89:48)

Death of Christians is precious (Ψαλμός 116:15)

Christians enter perfect peace at death (Ισάιας 57:1–2)

God has power over death (Γιάννης 14:19)

The death of Christians brings fellowship with Jesus (πράξεις 7:59)

God provides eternal life (Ρωμαίους 6:23)

Jesus will raise everyone who has died (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:20–23)

Living in heaven is better than living on earth (2 Κορίνθιανς 5:6–7)

Death is not the end of a person (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:13-14)

Prepare your spiritual life for death (Hebrews 9:27-28)

We don’t know how long we’ll live (James 4:13-14)

God will destroy death (Αποκάλυψη 21:4)


Pray before making decisions (Νεεμίας 1:4)

Decide to do things that honor God (Δουλειά 1:8)

God’s Word helps us make decisions (Ψαλμός 119:105)

Get good advice before making decisions (Παροιμίες 18:15)

Ask God for wisdom before making decisions (James 1:2–8)

Demons (see also Satan)

Worship in false religions honors demons (Ψαλμός 106:37)

Demons try to hinder God’s plan (Daniel 10:13)

Demons are no match for Jesus (Σημάδι 1:34)

Demons want to destroy people (Σημάδι 5:5)

Demons submit to the name of Jesus (Luke 10:17)

Demons can be driven out by Jesus’ followers (πράξεις 16:16–18)

Demons are powerful (πράξεις 19:16)

Demons cannot separate people from God’s love (Romans 8:38–39)

Demons deceive people (2 Κορίνθιανς 11:13–15)

Christians fight against the plans of demons (Εφεσίους 6:12)

Demons want to mislead people (1 Είδος χόρτου 4:1–2)

Demons believe in God (James 2:19)

Demons are angels that have sinned (2 Πέτρος 2:4)

God will judge demons (Jude 1:6)

Do not take demons lightly (Jude 1:8-9)

Demons can work miracles (Αποκάλυψη 16:13-14)

In the last days, demons will be bound by God (Αποκάλυψη 20:1–3)


Depression can follow exhausting times (κριτές 15:18)

God can encourage hurting people (2 Σαμουήλ 22:29–31)

Depression can follow success (1 Kings 19:3–4)

God helps those who feel crushed (Psalm 34:18)

Abraham had hope when there was no reason to hope (Ρωμαίους 4:18–22)

God will wipe away depression (Αποκάλυψη 21:4)


You should not desire something that belongs to someone else (Έξοδος πλήθους 20:17)

Wicked people desire evil (Ψαλμός 36:1–4)

God gives those who fellowship with him what they desire (Ψαλμός 37:4)

Desire to know God (Ψαλμός 42:1)

Desire to worship God (Ψαλμός 84:1–2)

Desire to honor God (Ψαλμός 86:12)

Do not desire self-promotion (Ψαλμός 119:36)

Money doesn’t satisfy desires (Εκκλησιαστής 5:10)

Christians should not give in to sinful desires (Εφεσίους 4:22)

Sinful desires should not have a home with God’s children (1 Πέτρος 1:14)

Desire to do God’s will (1 Πέτρος 4:2)

God’s children desire to obey God (1 Γιάννης 2:3-6)


Be determined to obey God (1 Σαμουήλ 7:3)

Determine not to sin (Δουλειά 31:1)

Determine to stand firm (Ισάιας 7:9)

God helps us be determined (Ισάιας 50:7)

Determine to follow Christ (Σημάδι 8:34–38)


Be fully devoted to God (1 Χρονικά 28:9)

Worship God with devotion (1 Χρονικά 29:9)

Be devoted to prayer (Ψαλμός 5:3)

Let your life be devoted to God (Ρωμαίους 12:1–2)

Η διάκριση

The Bible will help you discern bad teaching (πράξεις 17:11)

God grants discernment (1 Κορίνθιανς 12:10)

Discern between right and wrong behavior (Εβραίους 5:14)

Ask God for help in discerning his will (James 1:5)


Christians are to make disciples (Ματθαίος 28:19–20)

Jesus’ followers are known by their love (Γιάννης 13:35)

Christians should help other Christians grow (πράξεις 14:21–22)


Punishment is a consequence of sinful actions (Γένεση 3:6–19)

God’s punishment does not change his love for us (Ψαλμός 89:32–33)

The Lord disciplines those he loves (Παροιμίες 3:11-12)

Parents are responsible to discipline their children (Παροιμίες 13:24)

Punishment for sin may be swift and severe (πράξεις 5:1–11)

Paul commanded punishment for blatant sin in the church (1 Κορίνθιανς 5:1–5)

Punishment should lead to repentance (2 Κορίνθιανς 7:8-9)

Sometimes God punishes us to bring us back to himself (Εβραίους 12:5–11)


Be fair in your judgment of others (Λευιτικόν 19:15)

Don’t discriminate against someone who is not powerful (Δευτερονόμιο 1:17)

Do not oppress the disadvantaged (Μαλαχίας 3:5)

God does not discriminate among his people (πράξεις 10:34)

All Christians are equal in God’s eyes (Γαλάτας 3:28)

God will judge those who discriminate (Κολοσσαείς 3:25)

Do not discriminate against the poor (James 2:1-9)


Dishonesty is listed in the Ten Commandments (Λευιτικόν 19:11)

Be honest in your business dealings (Λευιτικόν 19:35–36)

Do not lie for your own gain (Δευτερονόμιο 19:14)

Dishonest people cannot know God (Ψαλμός 101:7)

God hates deception (Παροιμίες 12:22)

God will punish those who take advantage of others (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:6)


Protect sound doctrine (2 Είδος χόρτου 1:13-14)

Doctrine comes from the Bible (2 Είδος χόρτου 3:16)

Leaders in the church must have sound doctrine (Τίτος 1:6-9)

Christians should teach correct beliefs (Τίτος 2:1)


God will help us overcome doubts (Ψαλμός 42:5-6)

God doesn’t leave us during our time of doubt (Ισάιας 40:27-28)

Help those who have spiritual doubts (Εβραίους 3:12)

Doubt inhibits our prayers (James 1:5–7)


People controlled by alcohol are fools (Παροιμίες 20:1)

Alcohol can cause you to become poor (Παροιμίες 21:17)

Alcohol can destroy you (Παροιμίες 23:29–35)

God will judge those who are controlled by alcohol (Ισάιας 5:22)

Becoming drunk is dangerous (Luke 21:34)

Drunkenness is not fitting for a Christian (Ρωμαίους 13:11-14)

Drunkenness can cause immoral behavior (Εφεσίους 5:18)


God created the earth (Γένεση 1:1)

People are the caretakers of the earth (Γένεση 1:28)

The earth was cursed because of sin (Γένεση 3:17–19)

The earth belongs to God (Ψαλμός 89:11)

The earth was created for God’s glory (Κολοσσαείς 1:16)

Jesus sustains the earth (Εβραίους 1:3)


Parents are responsible to teach their children (Δευτερονόμιο 6:1-9)

Train children to follow God (Παροιμίες 22:6)

Christians should always learn more about God (Εφεσίους 4:14–15)


Be careful not to embarrass others (Ρουθ 2:15)

Embarrassment can lead to rash actions (Ματθαίος 14:1-12)

We should not be embarrassed about the gospel (Ρωμαίους 1:16)

We should not be embarrassed by Jesus (Γαλάτας 1:10)


Emotions can lead us to sin (Γένεση 4:2-6)

Emotions can lead to foolish promises (κριτές 11:29–40)

Emotions are a part of worship (Ezra 3:1-13)

God heals those with broken hearts (Ψαλμός 34:18)

Carefully guard your emotions (Παροιμίες 4:23)

Emotions can crush us (Παροιμίες 15:13)

Do not be led by emotions (Παροιμίες 19:2)

Jesus experienced emotions (Γιάννης 11:35)

Emotions are not reliable guides (Γαλάτας 5:1–17)

Some emotions can be sinful (Εφεσίους 4:31)


God’s people should be good workers (Γένεση 31:42)

Work should not overrun your time with God (Έξοδος πλήθους 16:23)

God gives you the ability to work (Έξοδος πλήθους 35:30–31)

Workers should be trustworthy (Παροιμίες 25:13)

Do the best job you can (Εκκλησιαστής 9:10)

Work as though Jesus were your boss (Εφεσίους 6:6–7)

Christians should do their best at their job (Τίτος 2:9–10)


Encourage the underprivileged (Ισάιας 1:17)

God encourages us (Ισάιας 40:31)

The Holy Spirit encourages us (πράξεις 9:31)

Encourage your neighbor (Ρωμαίους 15:2)

The Bible encourages us (Romans 15:4)

Our position in Christ encourages us (Φιλιππησίους 2:1)

We should encourage each other (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:18)

Encourage those who are weak and afraid (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:14)

Encourage elderly people (1 Είδος χόρτου 5:1–4)

Encourage others not to sin (Εβραίους 3:13)

Encourage others to love (Εβραίους 10:24)


Envy can destroy someone (Δουλειά 5:2)

Do not envy those who do wrong (Ψαλμός 37:1)

Do not envy the prosperity of wicked people (Ψαλμός 73:2–3)

Envy steals your peace (Παροιμίες 14:30)

Envy is a powerful enemy (Παροιμίες 27:4)

Being envious is foolish (Εκκλησιαστής 4:4)

Envy can cause you to act rashly (πράξεις 7:9)

Envy characterizes sinful people (Ρωμαίους 1:29)

We should not envy other Christians (Galatians 5:26)

Envy has no place in a Christian’s life (Τίτος 3:3)

Do not harbor envy (James 3:14–15)

Get rid of envy (1 Πέτρος 2:1)

Eternal Life

Eternal life is only for those who do God’s will (Ματθαίος 7:21)

The righteous will receive eternal life (Ματθαίος 25:46)

Belief in Jesus is required for eternal life (Γιάννης 3:15–16)

Evil people will receive eternal punishment (Γιάννης 5:28–29)

Jesus came to give life (Γιάννης 10:10)

Jesus gives eternal life (Γιάννης 11:25)

Jesus is eternal life (Γιάννης 14:6)

Eternal life cannot be earned (Ephesianμικρό 2:8-9)

Eternal life comes from God (Τίτος 1:2)

Eternal life gives us hope (Τίτος 3:7)

Evangelism (see also μάρτυρες)

We are God’s messengers (Ισάιας 43:10–11)

Christians bring light to a spiritually dark world (Ματθαίος 5:14–16)

Jesus made salvation available to all people (Ματθαίος 9:9-13)

Be bold in your evangelism (Ματθαίος 10:33)

Jesus sent his followers to make disciples (Ματθαίος 28:18–20)

The Holy Spirit gives us power to evangelize (πράξεις 1:8)


God will destroy evil people (Δουλειά 4:8)

God helps keep his people from sin (Ψαλμός 19:13)

God hates people who do evil (Ψαλμός 26:5)

God permits evil (Ρωμαίους 1:24-28)

God cannot coexist with evil (σολalatians 5:16–17)

Christians should put away evil from their lives (Εφεσίους 4:22)

There are spiritual forces behind evil (Εφεσίους 6:12)


Believing God takes faith (Γένεση 15:6)

Only a small amount of faith is needed (Luke 17:6)

Faith is needed for salvation (Ρωμαίους 3:28)

Faith puts us in a right relationship with God (Ρωμαίους 5:1)

Faith comes from hearing the Word of God (Ρωμαίους 10:17)

Accept the person who has weak faith (Ρωμαίους 14:1)

Christianity is the only true faith (Εφεσίους 4:5)

Faith is hoping in what is not seen (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith accompanies obedience to God (Εβραίους 11:7-12)


The members of a family can teach each other about God (Δευτερονόμιο 6:4-9)

Do not let sin affect your family life (Ψαλμός 101:2)

Do not bring trouble to a family (Παροιμίες 11:29)

Christian faith is of greater importance than family (Luke 12:51–53)

Christians are members of God’s family (Εφεσίους 2:19)

Husbands and wives should love each other (Εφεσίους 5:21–33)

Children should obey their parents (Εφεσίους 6:1)

Church leaders must have a good family life (1 Είδος χόρτου 3:4–5)

Families should take care of each other (1 Είδος χόρτου 5:3–5)


God will protect us (Γένεση 15:1)

God will not forget us (Γένεση 46:3)

We should fear God (Ψαλμός 25:12)

Christians do not need to fear anyone (Ψαλμός 27:1)

God strengthens us (Ψαλμός 46:1–3)

We do not need to fear darkness or violence (Ψαλμός 91:5)

We do not need to fear bad news (Ψαλμός 112:7)

Love drives fear away (1 Γιάννης 4:18)


Being foolish is lacking discernment (Δουλειά 5:2)

Fools do not acknowledge God (Ψαλμός 14:1)

Fools do not know God (Παροιμίες 1:7)

Fools invite their own destruction (Παροιμίες 10:14)

Fools enjoy evil (Παροιμίες 10:23)

Fools show their annoyance (Παροιμίες 12:16)

Stay away from foolish people (Παροιμίες 14:7)

A foolish person rejects discipline (Παροιμίες 15:5)

Fools return to their folly (Proverbs 26:11)

A foolish person gives in to anger (Παροιμίες 29:11)

A foolish person is lazy (Εκκλησιαστής 4:5)

The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom (1 Κορίνθιανς 1:25)


God forgives our many sins (Ψαλμός 65:3)

God forgives us because he loves us (Ψαλμός 86:5)

God makes us as clean as freshly fallen snow (Ισάιας 1:18)

God removes our impurities (Ιεζεκιήλ 36:25)

We must forgive others (Ματθαίος 6:14–15)

Don’t keep track of how many times you forgive (Ματθαίος 18:21–35)

Freely forgive others as God has forgiven you (Κολοσσαείς 3:13)

God will forgive our sins if we confess them (1 Γιάννης 1:8-9)

Foul Language

Foul language is not fitting for a Christian (Εφεσίους 5:4)

Our speech reflects our relationship with God (Κολοσσαείς 4:6)

Our speech should be an example to others (1 Είδος χόρτου 4:12)


Christians are spiritually free (Γιάννης 8:36)

Christians are free from sin’s power (Ρωμαίους 5:21)

Christians are free in order to serve others (Γαλάτας 5:1)

Friendship (see also σχέσεις)

Friends can cause great pain (Ψαλμός 55:12-14)

Friends love during difficult times (Παροιμίες 17:17)

Faithful friends are not common (Παροιμίες 18:24)

Friends influence you (Παροιμίες 22:24–25)

Friendship is marked by sacrifice (Γιάννης 15:13–15)

We can be friends with God (James 2:23)


God has plans for our future (Γένεση 12:1–4)

God will bless our future if we obey him (Δευτερονόμιο 5:29)

Do not plan your future like evil people do (Ιερεμίας 10:2–3)

God gives us hope for our future (Ιερεμίας 31:17)

God prepares a future for us (1 Κορίνθιανς 2:9)


God is honored by our gifts (Έξοδος πλήθους 35:22)

Generous giving honors God (Ezra 2:68–69)

God will reward us for giving to others (Σημάδι 9:41)

Giving helps others live (πράξεις 2:44–45)

We should support Christian workers (πράξεις 28:10)

Wealthy people should give generously (1 Είδος χόρτου 6:17–19)

God is pleased with our gifts (Εβραίους 13:16)

Giving reflects God’s love (1 Γιάννης 3:17)


God created everything (Γένεση 1:1)

God is a warrior (Έξοδος πλήθους 15:3)

God is one (Δευτερονόμιο 6:4)

God is trustworthy (Δευτερονόμιο 7:9)

God is too great to be described (1 Kings 8:27)

God is gracious and merciful (Νεεμίας 9:31)

God is good (Ψαλμός 34:8)

God helps his people when they are in trouble (Ψαλμός 46:1)

God is mighty (Ψαλμός 50:1)

God is our rock (Ψαλμός 62:6)

God is our hope (Ψαλμός 71:5)

God is near everyone (Ψαλμός 75:1)

God is our salvation (Ισάιας 12:2)

God is sovereign (Ισάιας 25:8)

Ο Θεός είναι άγιος (Ισάιας 29:23)

Only God is worthy of glory (Ισάιας 42:8)

God is our father (Ματθαίος 6:9)

God is all-powerful (Luke 1:37)

Ο Θεός είναι πνεύμα (Γιάννης 4:24)

God is all-knowing (Ρωμαίους 11:33)

God is knowable (Εφεσίους 1:17)

God is living (1 Είδος χόρτου 4:10)

God is King of kings (1 Είδος χόρτου 6:15)

God is approachable (James 4:8)

God is judge (James 4:12)

ο Θεός είναι αγάπη (1 Γιάννης 4:16)

God is almighty (Αποκάλυψη 1:8)

God’s Will

God guides us (Ψαλμός 16:7)

Ask God for guidance (Ψαλμός 25:4–7)

God will direct you (Ψαλμός 48:14)

God works everything out for his plan (Παροιμίες 16:4)

God directs events in our life (πράξεις 16:6–7)

God gives wisdom for making decisions (James 1:2–5)


Christians should tell others about the gospel (Ματθαίος 28:18–19)

The gospel’s message is for everyone (Luke 24:46–47)

People should respond to the gospel with faith (Γιάννης 1:12)

The gospel is powerful (Ρωμαίους 1:16)

The gospel of Jesus (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:1–5)

Believing the gospel brings a change to life (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 1:4–5)


Do not gossip (Έξοδος πλήθους 23:1)

Be careful not to slander (Λευιτικόν 19:16)

Gossiping betrays confidence (Παροιμίες 11:13)

Gossip separates friends (Παροιμίες 16:28)

Gossip prolongs tension between people (Παροιμίες 26:20)

Gossip is attractive (Παροιμίες 26:22)

People who gossip are wicked (Ρωμαίους 1:29)

Gossip should have no place among Christians (1 Είδος χόρτου 5:13)


God holds those in government accountable (Δευτερονόμιο 17:18–19)

God gives authority to those in government (Ρωμαίους 13:1)

Christians should obey the government (Τίτος 3:1)


God is full of grace (Έξοδος πλήθους 34:6)

God is slow to become angry (Ψαλμός 86:15)

God’s grace makes salvation possible (Εφεσίους 1:7–8)

God accepts us by his grace (Εφεσίους 2:8-9)

God’s grace gives us hope (1 Πέτρος 1:13)


Greed creates disagreement (Παροιμίες 28:25)

The Pharisees had greedy hearts (Ματθαίος 23:25)

Christians should avoid being greedy (Εφεσίους 5:3)

People full of greed will not enter heaven (Ephesians 5:5)

Leaders of the church must not be greedy (Τίτος 1:7)

Grief (see also Sorrow)

Friends should comfort each other (Δουλειά 2:12-13)

God comforts us in our darkest times (Δουλειά 35:9–10)

God comforts us (Ισάιας 40)

God promises to comfort those who grieve (Ματθαίος 5:4)

God’s Holy Spirit is our Comforter (Γιάννης 14:16)

Jesus has overcome the world’s troubles (Γιάννης 16:33)

The Holy Spirit comforts us (πράξεις 9:31)

The Bible comforts us (Ρωμαίους 15:4)

God comforts those who grieve (2 Κορίνθιανς 1:3–11)

All grief will end (Αποκάλυψη 21:3–4)


Ask God to give you guidance (Ψαλμός 25:4–5)

God will guide you (Ψαλμός 32:8)

The Bible gives us guidance (Ψαλμός 119:133)

God directs your path when you trust him (Παροιμίες 3:5-6)


Guilt causes us to hide from God (Γένεση 3:7–11)

Ask God to forgive hidden sins (Ψαλμός 19:12-13)

God forgives sins and removes guilt (Ψαλμός 32:5)

God can cleanse us from all sin (Ψαλμός 51:2)

All people are guilty of sin (Ρωμαίους 3:9-12)

Jesus Christ takes away all guilt (Ρωμαίους 3:23–24)


Hatred causes trouble (Παροιμίες 10:12)

Followers of Jesus will be hated (Ματθαίος 10:22)

Many in the world hate Jesus (Γιάννης 15:18)

Christians should hate evil (Ρωμαίους 12:9)

All people are equal in Christ (Γαλάτας 3:28–29)

Christians need to get rid of their own hatred (Κολοσσαείς 3:8)


Love God with all of your heart (Δευτερονόμιο 6:5)

Our heart can have confidence (Ψαλμός 27:3)

God will not despise a repentant heart (Ψαλμός 51:17)

Guard your heart (Παροιμίες 4:23)

Those who have pure hearts will see God (Ματθαίος 5:8)

Words and actions begin in the heart (Luke 6:45)


Death will not exist in heaven (Ισάιας 25:8)

Only righteous people will enter heaven (Ματθαίος 5:17–20)

Few people will enter heaven (Ματθαίος 7:13-14)

Jesus is preparing heaven for his followers (Γιάννης 14:2–3)

Our lives will not be complete until we enter heaven (2 Κορίνθιανς 5:2)

Heaven is much better than earth (Φιλιππησίους 1:23)

Christians should look forward to heaven (Κολοσσαείς 3:1–5)

Heaven is the home of righteousness (2 Πέτρος 3:13)

God is the focus of attention in heaven (Αποκάλυψη 7:17)

There will not be any sadness in heaven (Αποκάλυψη 21:4)

People in heaven will walk with God (Αποκάλυψη 22:5)


God will deliver his children from hell (Ψαλμός 86:13)

Hell is a place of weeping (Ματθαίος 8:12)

Hell was prepared for Satan and demons (Ματθαίος 25:41)

Wicked people will receive punishment (Romanμικρό 1:18–20)

God will punish those who do not turn from their sin (2 Πέτρος 2:4-9)

Hell is a place of eternal fire (Jude 1:7)

God will send to hell those who do not believe in him (Αποκάλυψη 21:8)


God is known for his holiness (Ψαλμός 93:5)

God cannot tolerate sin (Ισάιας 59:2)

God uses his Word to make us holy (Γιάννης 17:17)

Christians should try to be holy (1 Πέτρος 1:15)

God is worthy of praise because he is holy (Αποκάλυψη 4:8)

Άγιο πνεύμα

The Holy Spirit was involved in Creation (Γένεση 1:2)

The Holy Spirit empowers leaders (κριτές 3:10)

The Holy Spirit teaches us (Γιάννης 14:26)

The Holy Spirit guides us (Γιάννης 16:13)

The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses (πράξεις 1:8)

The Holy Spirit lives within us (Ρωμαίους 8:11)

The Holy Spirit sanctifies us (Ρωμαίους 15:16)

The Holy Spirit opens our spiritual eyes (1 Κορίνθιανς 2:10)

The Holy Spirit is involved in salvation (Τίτος 3:5)


God finds homosexual behavior detestable (Λευιτικόν 18:22)

God will judge those who practice homosexual behavior (Ρωμαίους 1:18–32)

Homosexual behavior has no place among Christians (1 Corinthians 6:9–10)


Honesty is commanded by God (Έξοδος πλήθους 20:16)

Only honest people can worship God (Ψαλμός 24:3–4)

God is truth and desires truth (Ψαλμός 51:6)

God hates lies (Παροιμίες 6:16–17)

Be honest (Παροιμίες 19:1)

Christians should be known by their honesty (Ματθαίος 5:37)

Lies make someone unclean before God (Ματθαίος 15:18–20)

Christians should put away dishonesty from their lives (Εφεσίους 4:25)


God gives hope to the needy (Ψαλμός 9:18)

Hope gives us confidence (Ψαλμός 25:3)

The Bible gives us hope (Ψαλμός 119:43)

Christians always have hope (Ρωμαίους 8:28)

Hope comes from the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)

Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope (1 Κορίνθιανς 6:14)

We have hope in Jesus (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:19)

We have confidence of eternal life (Τίτος 1:1–2)


Christians should take care of those in need (Ματθαίος 25:34–40)

Hospitality brings heavenly reward (Σημάδι 9:41)

Christians should be hospitable (Ρωμαίους 12:13)

Christians should be hospitable to people they do not know well (Εβραίους 13:2)

Be cheerful about being hospitable (1 Πέτρος 4:9–11)

Hospitality reflects God’s love (3 Γιάννης 1:5–8)


God humbles us for our own good (Δευτερονόμιο 8:16)

God hears the prayers of the humble (2 Χρονικά 7:14)

God saves those who are humble (Ψαλμός 18:27)

God preserves the lives of humble people (Ψαλμός 147:6)

Those who are humble become wise (Παροιμίες 11:2)

God cares for the humble (Ισάιας 66:2)

God will exalt the humble (Luke 18:14)

Be humble in dealing with others (Φιλιππησίους 2:1–11)

Humble yourself before God (James 4:10)


Do not associate with hypocrites (Ψαλμός 26:4)

God hates hypocrisy in worship (Ισάιας 29:13)

Hypocrites pretend to be devoted to God (Ιεζεκιήλ 33:31–32)

God finds hypocrites repulsive (Ματθαίος 23:27-28)

Beware of hypocrisy in your life (Luke 12:1–2)

God will punish hypocrisy (Luke 20:46–47)

Hypocrites are worthless (Τίτος 1:16)

Get rid of hypocrisy (1 Πέτρος 2:1)


We should have no other gods (Έξοδος πλήθους 20:3)

Do not be devoted to anyone or anything more than God (Δευτερονόμιο 4:23)

Devote your heart to God (Ιησούς του ναυή 24:14)

Look to God for your security (αποφάσεωςes 10:13–16)

We give in to idolatry when we forget God (Ψαλμός 106:19–22)

God will not share his glory with anything else (Ισάιας 42:8)

Christians cannot serve both God and the things of this world (Luke 16:13)


Compromises can lead to immorality (κριτές 3:1–11)

Stay away from immoral Christians (1 Κορίνθιανς 5:9–11)

Practicing immorality treats God lightly (1 Κορίνθιανς 6:19–20)

Immorality should have no place among Christians (Εφεσίους 4:17–19)


Respond properly to an insult (Παροιμίες 12:16)

God will bless Christians who are insulted because of their faith (Luke 6:22)

Do not insult others (1 Πέτρος 3:9)


Leaders should have integrity (Ψαλμός 78:72)

Integrity takes effort (Ψαλμός 101:3–8)

Leaders in the church should be full of integrity (Τίτος 1:7)

Maintain integrity in teaching others (Τίτος 2:7)


God can help us overcome intimidation (Γένεση 15:1)

God does not forget us when we are intimidated (Γένεση 46:3)

We do not need to fear anyone (Ψαλμός 27:1)

God empowers us (Ψαλμός 46:1–3)

We do not need to be intimidated (Ψαλμός 112:7–8)

Jesus’ strength can give us courage (Γιάννης 16:33)

God will help us be bold (πράξεις 4:31)

Be on your guard against intimidation (1 Κορίνθιανς 16:13)

Pray for courage (Εφεσίους 6:19–20)

Christians can pray without being intimidated (Εβραίους 4:16)


God doesn’t want to share our devotion (Δευτερονόμιο 4:24)

Jealousy can destroy someone (Δουλειά 5:2)

Do not envy those who do wrong (Ψαλμός 37:1)

Do not be jealous of wicked people (Ψαλμός 73:2–3)

Jealousy steals away peace (Παροιμίες 14:30)

Jealousy is a powerful enemy (Παροιμίες 27:4)

Jealousy is foolish (Εκκλησιαστής 4:4)

Jealousy can cause rash behavior (πράξεις 7:9)

We should not be jealous of other Christians (Γαλάτας 5:26)

Jealousy has no place in a Christian’s life (Τίτος 3:3–5)

Jesus christ

Jesus is all-powerful (Ισάιας 9:6)

Jesus has authority over demons (Σημάδι 1:27)

Jesus is the Son of God (Luke 1:35)

Jesus is God (Γιάννης 1:1–5)

Jesus is the Messiah (Γιάννης 4:25–26)

Jesus is the Judge (Γιάννης 5:22)

Jesus gives life (Γιάννης 10:10)

Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Γιάννης 10:11)

Jesus is the only way to God (Γιάννης 14:6)

Jesus is the author of life (πράξεις 3:15)

Jesus is the wisdom of God (1 Κορίνθιανς 1:21–24)

Jesus is the head of the church (Εφεσίους 5:23)

Jesus is the highest authority (Φιλιππησίους 2:9–10)

Jesus is the Creator (Κολοσσαείς 1:15–16)

Jesus is faithful (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:13)

Jesus is coming again (Τίτος 2:13)

Jesus is sinless (Εβραίους 4:15)

Jesus is holy (Εβραίους 7:26)

Jesus is the King of the ages (Αποκάλυψη 15:3)

Jesus is the Lamb of God (Αποκάλυψη 21:22)


God is able to judge (Δουλειά 34:23)

God is the ultimate authority (Ψαλμός 9:7)

God will judge all people (Εκκλησιαστής 3:17)

God will judge people for their actions (Εκκλησιαστής 11:9)

God will judge everything done in secret (Εκκλησιαστής 12:14)

God will rule that wicked people are guilty (Μαλαχίας 3:5)

God will judge the words we speak (Ματθαίος 12:36)

God does not judge by appearances (Γιάννης 7:21–24)

God will judge Christians (Ρωμαίους 14:10)

God will judge Christians for their actions (2 Κορίνθιανς 5:10)

God will judge all people (Εβραίους 9:27)

People whose names are in God’s Book of Life will enter heaven (Αποκάλυψη 20:11–15)


Justice should not be influenced by a crowd (Έξοδος πλήθους 23:2)

Protect the poor (Έξοδος πλήθους 23:6)

Do not hold back justice (Δευτερονόμιο 27:19)

God loves justice (Ψαλμός 11:7)

Jesus’ death was justice for sin (Ρωμαίους 3:25–26)


Christians should be kind to each other (Εφεσίους 4:32)

Be kind to people who treat you wrongly (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:15)

Choose to be kind rather than to argue (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:24)

Being kind takes effort (2 Πέτρος 1:5–7)

Kingdom of Heaven

You must turn from sin before you can enter God’s Kingdom (Ματθαίος 3:1–2)

Jesus describes members of God’s Kingdom (Ματθαίος 5:1–19)

Obeying God’s commands yields great rewards in his Kingdom (Ματθαίος 5:19)

Only righteous people will enter God’s Kingdom (Ματθαίος 5:20)

God’s Kingdom is open to those who do his will (Ματθαίος 7:21)

Healed lives are associated with God’s Kingdom (ματhew 9:35–36)

Entering God’s Kingdom costs someone everything (Ματθαίος 13:44–45)

God’s Kingdom is reserved for the humble (Ματθαίος 18:2–3)

No one deserves God’s Kingdom (Ματθαίος 18:23–35)

God’s Kingdom is within our hearts (Luke 17:20–21)

God’s Kingdom will fully arrive in the future (Luke 21:25–31)

Only those who are spiritually reborn can enter God’s Kingdom (Γιάννης 3:3)

Entering God’s Kingdom is not easy (πράξεις 14:22)

Christians should tell others about the Kingdom of God (πράξεις 28:31)

God’s Kingdom affects our lives (Ρωμαίους 14:17)

God’s Kingdom is powerful (1 Κορίνθιανς 4:20)

No immoral person will be allowed into God’s Kingdom (Εφεσίους 5:5)

Christians are members of God’s Kingdom (Κολοσσαείς 1:13)

Christians’ lives should reflect their membership in God’s Kingdom (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 2:12)

God calls people into his Kingdom (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 2:12)

God’s Kingdom cannot be shaken (Εβραίους 12:28)

God’s Kingdom will one day be fully consummated (Αποκάλυψη 11:15)


Laziness can ruin you (Παροιμίες 6:6–11)

Laziness can make you poor (Παροιμίες 10:4–5)

Lazy people work for others (Παροιμίες 12:24)

Lazy people make excuses (Παροιμίες 22:13)

Lazy people oversleep (Παροιμίες 26:14)

Encourage lazy people to work (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:14)

Lazy people should not be allowed to be freeloaders (2 Θεσσαλονικείς 3:10)


Leaders should be trustworthy (Έξοδος πλήθους 18:21)

Leaders look out for the people’s best interests (αριθμοί 27:16–17)

Leaders should represent God in their decisions (2 Χρονικά 19:5–7)

Leaders should receive advice (Παροιμίες 11:14)

Leaders must serve others (Ματθαίος 20:26-28)

Leaders should sacrifice for others (Γιάννης 10:11)

Leaders should be obeyed (Ρωμαίους 13:1–4)

Leaders give an account to God for their actions (Εβραίους 13:17)


Life comes from God (Γένεση 2:7)

God carefully creates each person (Ψαλμός 139:13-14)

Life should be enjoyed (Εκκλησιαστής 9:9)

God plans the lives of people before they are born (Ιερεμίας 1:5)

People must be reborn spiritually to enter heaven (Γιάννης 3:3)

Jesus came to give abundant life (Γιάννης 10:10)

We should live lives worthy of our Christian calling (Εφεσίους 4:1)

Christ is the reason for ΖΩΗ (Φιλιππησίους 1:21)

Our lives should honor God (Κολοσσαείς 3:17)


Light comes from God (Γένεση 1:3)

God is light (Ψαλμός 27:1)

God’s Word enlightens our path (Ψαλμός 119:105)

God can turn darkness into light (Ισάιας 42:16)

Christians are the light of the world (Ματθαίος 5:14)

Jesus is the Light of the World (Γιάννης 8:12)

Light shines in the hearts of Christians (2 Κορίνθιανς 4:6)

Christians are children of light (Εφεσίους 5:8)


God is concerned about our loneliness (Γένεση 2:18)

God encourages the lonely (1 Kings 19:14–18)

God takes care of lonely people (Ψαλμός 68:6)

Friends help in times of loneliness (Ecclesiastes 4:10–11)

God remains with us (Ματθαίος 28:20)

Lord’s Supper

Jesus celebrated the Lord’s Supper with his disciples (Ματθαίος 26:26–29)

Christians should be thankful for the Lord’s Supper (1 Κορίνθιανς 10:16)

Christians who celebrate the Lord’s Supper together should be unified (1 Κορίνθιανς 11:20–34)


Love in marriage is strong (Song of Songs 8:6–7)

Αγαπάτε τους εχθρούς σας (Ματθαίος 5:43–44)

Loving God is the most important command (Σημάδι 12:29–30)

Christians must love each other (Γιάννης 13:34)

We cannot be separated from Jesus’ love (Ρωμαίους 8:35–39)

Love must be genuine (Ρωμαίους 12:9)

Love never quits (1 Κορίνθιανς 13:4–8)

God’s love for us is beyond our understanding (Εφεσίους 3:18)

Love helps you look past offenses (1 Πέτρος 4:8)

ο Θεός είναι αγάπη (1 Γιάννης 4:16)

We must be known for our love (2 Γιάννης 1:5)


Friends are loyal (Παροιμίες 17:17)

We cannot divide our loyalty (Ματθαίος 6:24)

There must be loyalty in marriage (Εβραίους 13:4)


Lustful thoughts are sinful (Ματθαίος 5:28)

Christians should not give in to lust (Κολοσσαείς 3:5)

Christians should avoid lust (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:3–5)

Godless people enjoy immorality (1 Πέτρος 4:3)

Lying (βλέπω Dishonesty)


God hates divorce (Μαλαχίας 2:16)

Two people become one through marriage (Σημάδι 10:2-12)

Angels do not get married (Σημάδι 12:25)

Married partners should meet each other’s needs (1 Κορίνθιανς 7:2–5)

Married partners are united to each other for life (1 Κορίνθιανς 7:39)

A Christian wife can witness to her non-Christian husband (1 Πέτρος 3:1-6)


God requires that we show mercy (Micah 6:8)

People who show mercy to others will be rewarded (Ματθαίος 5:7)

We should imitate God’s mercy (Luke 6:36)

Jesus is merciful (1 Είδος χόρτου 1:2)

Mercy is from God (2 Είδος χόρτου 1:2)


The prophets prophesied about the Messiah (Γένεση 3:15)

The Messiah’s mother would be a virgin (Ισάιας 7:14)

The Messiah would be great (Ισάιας 9:6–7)

The Messiah would suffer (Ισάιας 53:2-12)

The Messiah would heal broken lives (Ισάιας 61:1–3)

The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

Jesus’ disciples knew he was the Messiah (Σημάδι 8:27–29)

The Messiah will come again (Σημάδι 14:61–62)

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah (Γιάννης 4:25–42)

The Messiah brings salvation (Εβραίους 2:10)


Keep away from mental sins (Ματθαίος 5:27–30)

A Christian’s thoughts should be holy (Ρωμαίους 12:2)

Our fellowship with God helps us make decisions (1 Κορίνθιανς 2:6–16)

Christians should please God with their thoughts (Φιλιππησίους 4:8)


Greed brings trouble (Παροιμίες 15:27)

Do not make money the most important part of your life (Ματθαίος 6:19)

Money can distract people from God (Σημάδι 10:17–24)

You cannot serve both God and money (Luke 16:13)

Christians should share their resources with those in need (πράξεις 2:42–45)

Christians should not be lovers of money (1 Είδος χόρτου 3:3)

We should look to God for security, not money (1 Timothy 6:17–19)

Do not love money (Εβραίους 13:5)

Be careful to treat rich and poor equally (James 2:1-9)


God has forbidden murder (Δευτερονόμιο 5:17)

Hateful anger is the same in God’s eyes as murder (Ματθαίος 5:21–22)


Music can be used to worship God (Έξοδος πλήθους 15:1)

Music is useful to focus our attention on God (Ψαλμός 81:1–2)

We should make music for God’s glory (Κολοσσαείς 3:16)


Obeying is better than saying, “I’m sorry” (1 Σαμουήλ 15:22)

People who obey God’s Word will be blessed (Luke 11:28)

Christians should obey the government (Ρωμαίους 13:1–4)

Children should obey their parents (Εφεσίους 6:1)

Christians obey God (1 Γιάννης 2:3)


God cares for his people (Δευτερονόμιο 7:9)

Friends should comfort each other (Δουλειά 2:12-13)

God comforts us in our darkest times (Δουλειά 35:10)

God watches over the weak (Ψαλμός 12:5)

God comforts us (Ισάιας 40:9–11)

God promises to comfort those who mourn (Ματθαίος 5:4)

God’s Holy Spirit is our Comforter (Γιάννης 14:16)

Christians should comfort each other (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:18)

All pain will end (Revelation 21:3–4)


Parents should teach children to follow God (Δευτερονόμιο 6:6–7)

Parents should nurture their children (Εφεσίους 6:4)

Children must obey their parents (Κολοσσαείς 3:20)


Be patient with God (Ψαλμός 75:2)

Patience is valuable (Παροιμίες 25:15)

Patience is better than pride (Εκκλησιαστής 7:8)

Patience demonstrates love (1 Κορίνθιανς 13:4)

Patience is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives (Γαλάτας 5:22)

Be patient with each other (Εφεσίους 4:2)


Be full of peace (Ψαλμός 34:14)

Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace (Ισάιας 9:6–7)

Wicked people will not know peace (Ισάιας 48:22)

We can have peace with God (Ισάιας 53:5)

Make peace with others quickly (Ματθαίος 5:23–26)

The peace Jesus gives is different than the world’s peace (Γιάννης 14:27)

Jesus gives us peace (Ρωμαίους 5:1)

Peace is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives (Galatians 5:22)

We can have peace through prayer (Φιλιππησίους 4:4–7)


Christians receive power from the Holy Spirit (πράξεις 1:8)

The Bible is a powerful weapon (Εφεσίους 6:17)

Jesus is the greatest power (Εβραίους 1:1–4)

Prayer can be powerful (James 5:16)

Χριστιανόςs have power to overcome the world (1 Γιάννης 5:4–5)

Praise (βλέπω Worship)


Ask God for help (Ψαλμός 40:13)

God does not hear our prayers if we are purposely sinning (Micah 3:4)

Prayer should not be a show (Ματθαίος 6:6)

Jesus taught his disciples how to pray (Ματθαίος 6:9-13)

Pray with an attitude of humility (Luke 18:9-14)

Pray in Jesus’ name (Γιάννης 16:23–24)

Pray all the time (Εφεσίους 6:18)

Pray without doubting (James 1:6)

Pray with the right motives (James 4:3)

Pray according to God’s will (1 Γιάννης 5:14–15)

Pride (see also Self-Esteem)

Pride leads to shame (Παροιμίες 11:2)

Pride leads to arguments (Παροιμίες 13:10)

Pride will be punished (Παροιμίες 16:5)

Pride ends in destruction (Παροιμίες 16:18)

Pride cuts us off from God and others (Luke 18:9-14)

There is no place for proud boasting in the Christian life (Ρωμαίους 3:27)

God chose to reveal himself to the humble, not the proud (1 Κορίνθιανς 1:26–31)

Pride is not compatible with the fruit of the Spirit (Γαλάτας 5:22–26)

God opposes the proud (James 4:6)

Problems (βλέπω Stress, Suffering, Trials)


We must not procrastinate in choosing to serve the Lord (Ιησούς του ναυή 24:15)

God does not procrastinate (Αββακούμ 2:3)

Those who procrastinate lose out (Luke 14:16–21)

Today is the day to be saved (2 Κορίνθιανς 6:2)

No one can procrastinate forever (Αποκάλυψη 10:6)

Προφητεία (see also Teaching)

Prophecy reveals a message from God (Δευτερονόμιο 18:21–22)

False prophecy is not from God (Ιερεμίας 23:25–32)

Claiming to prophesy does not indicate salvation (Ματθαίος 7:21–23)

The Holy Spirit allows believers to prophesy (πράξεις 2:17–18)

Prophecy is a spiritual gift (1 Κορίνθιανς 14:1–5)

We should listen to God’s message (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:20)

True prophets speak God’s λόγια (2 Πέτρος 1:20–21)


Only God can make us pure (Ψαλμός 51:1–10)

We can remain pure by following God’s Word (Ψαλμός 119:1–20)

We cannot claim purity apart from God (Παροιμίες 20:9)

The pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8)

Purity begins in the heart (Ματθαίος 5:27–30)

Outward purity cannot substitute for inner purity (Ματθαίος 23:25-28)

Purity comes from God (Γιάννης 17:17)

Purity ought to mark believers’ lives (Ephesians 5:1–4)

Our minds should think about things that are pure (Φιλιππησίους 4:8)

One day our purity will be like Christ’s (1 Γιάννης 3:1–3)


God may not always answer our questions (Δουλειά 42:1–3)

God welcomes our sincere questions (Luke 7:18–23)

We need not be afraid when questioned about our faith (Luke 21:12–15)

We should be ready with answers when questioned about our faith (1 Πέτρος 3:15)

Rapture (βλέπω Second Coming of Christ)

σχέσεις (see also Friendship, Γάμος)

Our relationship with God is made possible through Jesus Christ (Γιάννης 14:19–21)

Our relationships should not compromise our faith (2 Κορίνθιανς 6:14–18)

We are unified with all believers in God’s family (Εφεσίους 2:21–22)

Our relationship with Christ is deep and abiding (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:11-13)

Our relationship with Christ makes us children of God (1 Γιάννης3:1–3)

Repentance (see also Confession of Sin)

Repentance of sin opens the way for a relationship with God (Luke 3:7–8)

Unless we repent of our sins, we will perish (Luke 13:3–5)

Angels rejoice when a sinner repents (Luke 15:7)

Forgive those who repent of wrongs done to you (Luke 17:4)

Repentance is essential for the Holy Spirit to work (πράξεις 2:38)

God can use difficulties to encourage us to repent (2 Corinthians 7:9–10)

God would like everyone to repent and believe (2 Πέτρος 3:9)


A good reputation can be built by obeying God’s Word (Δευτερονόμιο 4:1-14)

Integrity builds a good reputation (Ρουθ 2:1-13)

A bad reputation will follow you (Παροιμίες 25:9–10)

The Christians in Rome had a reputation for obedience (Ρωμαίους 16:19)

Guard your reputation (2 Κορίνθιανς 8:18–24)

Maintain a good reputation among non-Christians (Κολοσσαείς 4:5)

Respect (see also Authority)

God is worthy of our respect (Έξοδος πλήθους 3:5)

Our parents are worthy of respect (Λευιτικόν 19:3)

Those in authority should have our respect (1 Σαμουήλ 24:1-6)

Husbands and wives should respect each other (Εφεσίους 5:33)

Those in leadership should have respectful children (1 Είδος χόρτου 3:4)

Show respect to all people (1 Πέτρος 2:17)


Responsible people admit their wrongs (1 Χρονικά 21:8)

Responsible people are faithful with what they have been given (Ματθαίος 25:14–30)

People are responsible for their decision about Christ (Γιάννης 3:18–19)

Responsible people know their abilities and limitations (πράξεις 6:1–7)

People are responsible for their own actions (James 1:13–15)


God gave us an example of and a command to rest (Γένεση 2:3)

Rest is important for worship (Έξοδος πλήθους 20:8)

God tells us to rest (Έξοδος πλήθους 23:12)

Jesus promises to give us rest from our burdens (ματhew 11:28–30)

Rest is a gift of God (Εβραίους 4:9–11)

Heaven will be a place of rest (Αποκάλυψη 14:13)


Christ’s resurrection is a historical fact (Ματθαίος 28:5–10)

All people will be resurrected (Γιάννης 5:24–30)

Jesus promised to raise his followers (Γιάννης 6:38–40)

We know we will be resurrected (Γιάννης 11:24–26)

We will experience resurrection (Ρωμαίους 6:3–11)

Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation of Christianity (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:12–21)

Our resurrected bodies will be eternal bodies (1 Corinthians 15:51–53)


God’s people should not seek revenge (Λευιτικόν 19:18)

Do not pay back evil for evil (Παροιμίες 24:29)

Believers ought to resist revenge (Ματθαίος 5:38–42)

Leave revenge in God’s hands (Ρωμαίους 12:19)

Desire for revenge is not compatible with the Christian life (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:15)

Jesus is our example (1 Πέτρος 2:21–23)


God is completely righteous (Ισάιας 45:21–24)

We cannot attain righteousness on our own (Ισάιας 64:6)

Human nature is the opposite of righteousness (Ρωμαίους 3:10–18)

Righteousness is not attained by works (Ρωμαίους 4:18–25)

Strict legalism cannot make us righteous (Γαλάτας 3:11–21)

Our God-given righteousness is armor against Satan’s attacks (Εφεσίους 6:14)

We become righteous through faith in Christ (Φιλιππησίους 3:9)

Studying God’s Word helps us grow in righteousness (2 Είδος χόρτου 3:16)

Righteousness ought to characterize each believer’s life (1 Πέτρος 2:24)

Sadness (βλέπω Grief, Sorrow)


Those who receive salvation become God’s children (Γιάννης 1:12-13)

Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life (Γιάννης 3:1–16)

Belief and trust in Jesus Christ are the only way to be saved (Γιάννης 14:6)

Salvation includes gaining a relationship with God (Γιάννης 17:1–5)

Receiving salvation means we must turn from our sins (πράξεις 2:37–38)

Salvation cannot be earned; it is a gift of God (Ρωμαίους 6:23)

Receiving salvation is simple and personal (Ρωμαίους 10:8–10)

Salvation is by God’s grace alone (Εφεσίους 2:1-9)

Salvation rescues us from Satan’s dominion (Κολοσσαείς 1:13-14)

Our salvation was obtained by Jesus’ blood (1 Πέτρος 1:18–19)

Satan (see also Demons)

Satan is under God’s authority (Δουλειά 1:6-12)

Satan will tempt Jesus’ followers (Ματθαίος 4:1–11)

Satan is completely evil (Γιάννης 8:44)

Satan is the temporary ruler over this world (Εφεσίους 2:1–2)

Satan and his demons are spiritual (Εφεσίους 6:12)

Satan works through an army of demons (1 Είδος χόρτου 4:1)

Believers have the authority to resist Satan (James 4:1–10)

Satan is an enemy to Christians (1 Πέτρος 5:8)

Jesus destroyed Satan’s work with his death on the cross (1 Γιάννης 3:7–8)

Satan is a defeated enemy (Αποκάλυψη 20:10)

Second Coming of Christ

We do not know when Jesus will return (Ματθαίος 24:36)

Christ’s return will be unmistakable (Σημάδι 13:26–27)

Christ’s return will be joyous for those who are ready (Luke 12:35–40)

The Second Coming will be a time of judgment on unbelievers (Γιάννης 12:37–50)

At Christ’s second coming we will be with him forever (Γιάννης 14:1–3)

The promise of Christ’s return (πράξεις 1:10–11)

Believers will be resurrected and given glorious bodies (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:51–57)

Christ’s return will be visible and glorious (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:16)

At Christ’s return, Christians who are dead and alive will rise to meet him (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:16–17)

Continue to serve God as you await the Second Coming (1 Πέτρος 4:7–8)

Patiently await Christ’s return (2 Πέτρος 3:8-13)

Jesus is coming soon (Αποκάλυψη 22:20-21)

Self-esteem (see also Pride)

We are made in God’s image (Γένεση 1:26–27)

We are a little lower than the angels (Ψαλμός 8:3–5)

God took special care to create us (Ψαλμός 139:1–18)

We have been formed by God’s loving hands (Ισάιας 64:8)

We are of great value to God (Luke 12:4-12)

God gave his Son for us (Γιάννης 3:16)

Our self-esteem is affected by our relationship with Christ (Ρωμαίους 12:1–8)

Our self-esteem is based on God’s approval (2 Κορίνθιανς 10:12–18)

We should not overestimate ourselves (Γαλάτας 6:3–5)


Sex is God’s gift to married people (Παροιμίες 5:15–21)

Sex outside of marriage is foolish (Παροιμίες 6:23–35)

Sex within marriage is meant to be a delight (Song of Songs 4:1–16)

Sexual sin begins in the mind (Ματθαίος 5:27–30)

Sex is a powerful bond not meant to be taken lightly (1 Κορίνθιανς 6:13–20)

Sexual immorality has no place among Christians (Εφεσίους 5:1–3)

We are to have nothing to do with sexual immorality (Κολοσσαείς 3:5)

God wants us to live in holiness, not lustful passion (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 4:1–8)

Sex in marriage is honorable and pure (Εβραίους 13:4)


God cares for the sick (Ψαλμός 41:1-13)

A cheerful spirit can act as good medicine against sickness (Παροιμίες 17:22)

Jesus can heal sickness (Ματθαίος 4:23–25)

Believers ought to have compassion on the sick (Ματθαίος 25:34–40)

It is better to be physically crippled than spiritually crippled (Σημάδι 9:43–48)

Paul had an infirmity that God would not remove (2 Κορίνθιανς 12:7–10)


Sin has consequences (Γένεση 3:1–19)

God must punish sin (Έξοδος πλήθους 32:34)

Our consciences can identify sin (2 Σαμουήλ 24:10–15)

We should humbly confess our sins to God (Ezra 9:5–15)

We should ask God to forgive our sins (Ψαλμός 51:1–10)

Stay away from people who lead you to sin (Παροιμίες 1:10–19)

Sin begins in the mind (Ματθαίος 5:27-28)

Όλοι οι άνθρωποι έχουν αμαρτήσει (Ρωμαίους 3:23)

Sin leads to eternal death (Ρωμαίους 6:23)

Jesus takes the penalty of our sin on himself (Ρωμαίους 8:1–2)

Sin begins with temptation (James 1:15)

We can sin by avoiding something we should do (James 4:17)

God is willing to forgive our sins (1 Γιάννης 1:8-9)


Some people remain single to work for God’s Kingdom (Ματθαίος 19:12)

Singleness is a gift from God (1 Κορίνθιανς 7:7–8)

Single people can serve God (1 Κορίνθιανς 7:25–31)

Single people have more time to focus on service for God (1 Κορίνθιανς 7:32–35)

Sorrow (see also Grief)

Sorrow is often a necessary part of repentance (κριτές 2:4–5)

Weeping will be followed by joy (Ψαλμός 30:5)

Jesus understands sorrow (Ισάιας 53:3-9)

God promises comfort to those who experience sorrow (Ματθαίος 5:4)

God may use sorrow to point out sin and draw us back to him (2 Κορίνθιανς 7:10–11)

We sorrow over believers who die, but one day we will meet again (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)

Sorrow will not exist in God’s Kingdom (Αποκάλυψη 21:3–4)


People cannot destroy your soul (Ματθαίος 10:28)

We are to love God with our whole being—heart, soul, and mind (Ματθαίος 22:36–40)

It is of no value to gain the world but lose your soul (Σημάδι 8:34-38)

We can place our soul under Christ’s protection (Γιάννης 10:27–29)

Believers are assured of immortality (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:46–53)

Spiritual Gifts

God expects us to use our gifts (Ρωμαίους 12:3–8)

God gives us our spiritual gifts (1 Κορίνθιανς 12:4–11)

Spiritual gifts build up the body of Christ (Εφεσίους 4:11-13)

Spiritual gifts ought not be denied nor overemphasized (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:19–22)

God distributes spiritual gifts according to his will (Εβραίους 2:4)


Delegating work can alleviate stress (Έξοδος πλήθους 18:13–26)

God is a refuge in times of stress (Ψαλμός 62:1–8)

Pray to God in times of stress (Ψαλμός 69:1–36)

Wait upon the Lord (Ισάιας 40:30–31)

Θεός is always with us (Ρωμαίους 8:31–39)

God cares about our stress (2 Κορίνθιανς 4:8-12)

Don’t let stress cause you to worry (Φιλιππησίους 4:4-9)

Submission (see also Obedience)

Christ is our example of submission to the Father’s will (Ματθαίος 26:39, 42)

Following Christ requires submission to him (Luke 14:27)

God created lines of authority for harmonious relationships (1 Κορίνθιανς 11:2–16)

Marriage calls for mutual submission (Εφεσίους 5:21–33)

Submit to God (James 4:7–10)

Suffering (see also Trials)

Those who suffer need encouragement (Δουλειά 16:1-6)

Christ’s followers will face suffering (Ματθαίος 16:21–26)

Our suffering helps us comfort others who are suffering (2 Corinthians 1:3–7)

Our suffering will end in glory (2 Κορίνθιανς 4:17–18)

Jesus can help us through suffering (Εβραίους 2:11–18)

Christ showed how to handle suffering (1 Πέτρος 2:21–24)

There will be no suffering in Christ’s Kingdom (Αποκάλυψη 21:4)

Teaching (see also μάρτυρες)

Parents must teach their children about the Lord (Δευτερονόμιο 6:4-9)

Believers teach each other (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:2)

Qualities of a good teacher (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:22–26)

Instruction to those who teach God’s Word (Τίτος 2:1–15)


Temptation comes from Satan (Γένεση 3:1-6)

How to avoid temptation (Παροιμίες 7:1–5)

How to respond when tempted (Ματθαίος 4:1–11)

God will provide a way of escape from every temptation (1 ντοorinthians 10:13)

Run from temptation (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:22)

Christ can help us, γιατί, too, has faced temptation (Εβραίους 4:15–16)

God never tempts people to sin (James 1:13–15)


Thank the Lord because he is good (Ψαλμός 107:1–3)

Be thankful for answers to prayer (Ψαλμός 138:1–5)

Be thankful for salvation (Εφεσίους 2:4–10)

Our prayers should include words of thankfulness (Φιλιππησίους 4:6)

Our life should be characterized by thankfulness to God (Κολοσσαείς 3:15–17)

We are called to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Θεσσαλονικείς 5:16–18)

Trials (see also Suffering)

Christ promises us rest from our trials (Ματθαίος 11:28–30)

Jesus understands our struggles (Γιάννης 15:18)

Have peace in trials (Γιάννης 16:33)

Trials help us develop patience (Romans 5:1–5)

God knows what he is doing with our life (Ρωμαίους 8:28)

Believers can expect to suffer for their faith (2 Κορίνθιανς 6:3-13)

Present trials fade in comparison to the joy of our relationship with Christ (Φιλιππησίους 3:7–11)

God expects us to grow through our trials (James 1:2–4)

Trust (βλέπω Πίστη)


God wants us to be true and righteous (Ψαλμός 51:1-6)

Truth never changes (Παροιμίες 12:19)

Truth sets us free (Γιάννης 8:31–32)

Truth is found in Jesus Christ (Γιάννης 14:6)

God’s Word is truth (Γιάννης 17:17)

We must not only believe the truth but also live by it (1 Γιάννης 1:5–7)


We must not imitate unbelievers (Ψαλμός 26:5)

We must share the gospel with unbelievers (Γιάννης 17:14–19)

Unbelievers do not belong to Christ (Ρωμαίους 8:9)

We should avoid situations that force us to compromise our beliefs (2 Κορίνθιανς 6:14–18)

Unbelievers will not enter heaven (1 Γιάννης 5:10-12)


Unity among believers pleases God (Ψαλμός 133:1)

Christians are not supposed to live in isolation (Γιάννης 17:11)

Unity includes bearing one another’s joys and burdens (Ρωμαίους 12:9–16)

Believers must seek unity in all essentials (1 Κορίνθιανς 1:10)

There can be great unity even in great diversity (Εφεσίους 4:3-13)

The love Christ commanded should create unity among believers (Φιλιππησίους 1:3–11)

Unity ought to be a distinctive mark among Christians (Φιλιππησίους 2:1–2)


The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Παροιμίες 1:7)

To find wisdom, first find God (Παροιμίες 2:6-12)

Wise people accept advice (Παροιμίες 13:10)

Wise people boast not in their wisdom but in knowing God (Ιερεμίας 9:23–24)

The wise understand God’s ways and follow his guidance (Ωσηέ 14:9)

Wise people build on the solid foundation of God and his Word (Ματθαίος 7:24–27)

God’s wisdom is different from the world’s wisdom (1 Κορίνθιανς 2:1–16)

God will give us wisdom if we ask for it (James 1:5)

μάρτυρες (see also Evangelism, Teaching)

Bringing the good news of Christ is a wonderful privilege (Ισάιας 52:7)

God’s message will accomplish what he desires wherever it is spoken (Ισάιας 55:10–11)

God holds us accountable for avoiding a chance to witness for him (Ιεζεκιήλ 3:18–19)

Let your light shine (Ματθαίος 5:14–16)

Jesus commanded all believers to witness (Ματθαίος 28:16–20)

If we acknowledge our faith before people, Jesus will acknowledge us (Luke 12:8-9)

Christians are called to spread the gospel across the world (πράξεις 1:8)

We plant or water the seed of faith, but only God makes it grow (1 Κορίνθιανς 3:5-9)

God has entrusted us with the message we need to share with others (2 Κορίνθιανς 5:18–21)

Always be ready to tell what God has done for you (1 Πέτρος 3:15)


God’s image is shared equally by women and men (Γένεση 1:26–27)

Women should fulfill their responsibilities well (Παροιμίες 31:10–31)

Women and men are equal before God (Γαλάτας 3:28)

The church should care for widows who have no relatives (1 Είδος χόρτου 5:3–16)


Hard work is honored by God (Γένεση 31:38–42)

Use your skills to honor God (Έξοδος πλήθους 36:1)

Hard work brings rewards (Παροιμίες 12:14)

Hard work helps supply basic needs (Παροιμίες 28:19)

Our work for God is never wasted (1 Κορίνθιανς 15:58)

All work should be done as though we are working for God (Εφεσίους 6:5-9)

Worry (βλέπω Stress)

Worship (see also Εκκλησία)

Worship is an encounter with the living and holy God (Έξοδος πλήθους 3:1-6)

Worship is reserved for God alone (Έξοδος πλήθους 34:14)

In worship, we ascribe to the Lord the glory due him (Psalm 29:1–2)

We can worship because of Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf (Εβραίους 10:1–10)

We should worship with reverence for God (Εβραίους 12:28)

When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (James 4:8)

Youth (βλέπω Adolescence)