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Bible Videos

Bible Videos

Available Videos Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me (2:40) luke 18:15-17 Jesus Declares the Parable of the Lost Sheep (2:17) luke 15:2-7 Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the Sabbath (2:24) john 5:2-12 Seek Ye the Kingdom of God (3:57) luke 12:13-34 Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men (1:52) […]

Two Year Bible Reading Plan for Old and ...

Dwy Flynedd Cynllun Darlleniad o'r Beibl ar gyfer yr Hen Destament a'r Testament Newydd

Daily Darlleniad o'r Beibl Rhaglen Hen Destament a'r Testament Newydd Cynllunio Gyda'n Gilydd (2-Cynllun blwyddyn) Mae'n bwysig deall gyflawnder neges Duw i'r eglwysi, ac yn ffordd wych o wneud hyn yw darllen yr Hen Destament a'r Testament Newydd ar yr un pryd. Mae'r cynllun hwn, y gellir ei gwblhau mewn dwy flynedd galendr, yn gwneud hynny. At […]

Ein Bara Daily

Ein Bara Daily

Set aside a few quiet moments in your day to find encouragement and inspiration from God’s Word. The Our Daily Bread devotional provides a daily Bible verse, along with thoughtful reflections for applying God’s truth in practical ways. Have a copy sent to your home or office without cost or obligation. Or simply read today’s devotional at […]