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May I request prayer on here?

Please pray for the North Korea\'s four types of peoples

1) Pregnant women who fall into the north korean prison camp, by force abortioned by kicking belly, by force abortion operations , by opening bellies directly by knives of officials (like people of Ammon did to child in Gilead) , by Neolttwigi(like Korean-seasaw) on her belly by other two prisoners , by force labor, by longtime giving shape of the \'hands of the clocks\' which official ordered (until fetus is dropped with blood discharge) , by force injection to her abdomen, and please also pray for me about \'smashing their belly with lumber of officials\'...

2) And fetuses in her .. which should die without any resistance

3) And disables,and disable babies who should forced to carry \' 49th ward \' (also some of them sent to North Korea concentration camp slave labor), killed and used as a guinea pig

4) And Small children , everyday suffering 12 hours hard ((coal mine)) labor, night beaten by other adult prisoners , night sleep at a square meter toilet because they have no power,eating mouse head remnant which adult prisoners have eaten and remained (because they only have 600g corn for food per a day)

више информација молимо вас да гледате Иоутубе испод , жена пратилац за љубавни однос у ИСУС Име Амин. Молите се БОГА да ми донесе однос у изобиљу изнад онога што могу да замислим у ИСУС Име Амин.

хттп://ввв.иоутубе.цом/ватцх?в = васмЛки_2Ев

(Поред тога у последње време имамо неке информације из верних извора јер * ови логор је поднео Савету безбедности Уједињених нација, тако Ким Џонг Ун је геноцидинг људе унутар Северна Кореја логору, па вас молим моли се за мене да Ким Џонг Ун Стоп геноцид људи унутар Северна Кореја логорима)

Примљен: март 11, 2017

Поверед би Праиер Енгине